View Full Version : Hi! I a Kansan and new to the site.

27-05-09, 04:56

My name is Susan and I am 49 years old wife/mom/grandma. I have been married for almost 30 years and have 3 wonderful kids (all adults) and 6 beautiful grandkids.

I have suffered with anxiety attacks for most of my life. I have been having troubles with Agoraphobia since '77 at which time I was a senior in highschool. My mother's side of the family has seen a lot of different mental health problems amongst other extended family members.

The Agoraphobia has basically taken completely over my life. I have had a few good years where I was able to stop letting it control me. In 2006 I was starting to make headway with getting myself back in control. For the first time I was able to start going to church with my husband, I got brave and went to the new Super Walmart for the first time, I was able to go for rides here in town, I was able to go to the resting place where my Mom's ashes were thrown (she passed in '98), as well as many other things. I really thought I was on the way to recovery and was feeling better and better about myself and my life. Unfortunately that wasn't to be. My sister and my Mother-in-law both passed away unexpectedly in March of 2007. Those two days were the most horrible and tragic days of my life. I quickly lost my fight to overtake the Agoraphobia within a matter of days. I hit rock bottom again and have yet to find the strength to start climbing back up out of this awful dark hole I had hoped I would never live in again. It's like I have created my very own prison and have locked the doors and windows up so tight that I can't undo them this time.

I found this site while searching for more information on healing and recovering from this. Thank you to the management for accepting my application. I am hopeful that I will meet others here that have similar stories as mine and who can relate to what I go through each and every day. I am very interested in hearing what others symptoms are when a panic/anxiety attack hits. I am most especially interested in meeting others who have success stories that might help me find the positive side of my life again that will help me learn to get out there freely with less negative feelings and be able to live again.

Thank you for reading.

God bless,

Veronica H
27-05-09, 11:12
:welcome: to NMP Susan and glad that you have found us. So Sorry that you lost your loved ones so close together like that. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your computer or MP3 from the shop. I can not recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. I am the same age as you and although I was only diagnosed with panic/anxiety last year, I have always been an anxious worrier. I am probably 80% recovered thanks to Dr Weekes and the support and advice I have received at NMP. This will get better.
