View Full Version : My new mantra...

27-05-09, 09:55
I saw a card yesterday with a saying on the front that spoke to me so clearly, I had to buy it...

"Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday, and all is well"

Have decided that it will be my new mantra...

27-05-09, 10:20
Good one :)
I like the song "don't stop thinking about tomorrow". "It'll soon be here".

27-05-09, 15:10
I like: 'Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy' :D

28-05-09, 17:18
I like these. My mantra is currently "He who drinks decaffinated coffee still gets headaches, so what's the point". I'm going to change it to one of the above.

29-05-09, 14:48
agreed, decaf coffee is satanic

29-05-09, 23:14
Much like alcohol free beer, why bother?:D

Low fat this, sugar free that, for crying out loud. When will someone come up with "cholesterole (sp) free air!!!!" We all are slaves to our health, or, what the government/doctors/media tell us we should/should not be doing, eating drinking whatever!! Enough, already, let's try living for a change. Ok so eating deadly nightshade is not a good idea but come on, let's be free and live a little.

30-05-09, 01:33
yesterdays history tommorows a mystery todays reality and lets get on with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!