View Full Version : why so sweaty light headed sleepy

27-05-09, 11:25
why after i got my afternoon nap sleep, (but i dream alot in my that 30mins sleep), then i wake up as normal, drank coffee, then 1hr later i feel so sos leepy, tired, headache, light headedness, giddy, dizzy, blury, i see all things blury, and the worst i am sweating too, i feel like not connected to everythng, when i go out i feel i am not out there, not connected, how do i get back myself, what is this happening ? how to be free pls tell me i can't take it anymore.

27-05-09, 11:26
and i do have some hormone imablane problem, i got injection for progesterone this morning, and now i feel so blury, dizzy. hate this. will it go away, it is wasting my time, i cant' enjoy watching tv or chatting with my family. i can't even sit still during dinner. should i go and sleep? or should i force myself to talk, but i am scared i lose control or faint, no right ?

27-05-09, 13:20
You only feel like you will loose control or balance - yopu will not, believe it.

The light headednes will not cause you harm, it is probably of injection and of the sleep. sometimes sleep is not making us feel good during the day.

You will feel different from the moment you will start paying less attention to the symptoms.

Take care

27-05-09, 15:37
thanks, i pass thru the day now its night time, and kids sleeping, very quiet here, i don]t knwo what trigger it, it just happen, suddenly i feel so light headed and wehn i met my kids, i like feeling who r they i feel so blury and can[t focus and feel like want to run here and there and i must keep on shouting loudl to myself, i am me, and when i am talkin to my kids, i got to keep on shouting and act talking loud to get myself back and i keep on thning will i faint, or what gonna happn, suddenly i feel so sleepy and want to fall sleep at that very moment, i am so scared, if shock my kids, today i still control keep on controlling my brain mind to stay awake and real, i use it forcefully, at times i just want to give up or feel ike fainting but i run aside and keep on jumping up and down then i come back, mhy kids wonder what has happen to me, a while i am here a while i am gone, oh i don[t know what to do next time. when will all this ever stop. it is driving me mad, now its night i cannot sleep at all, just now i cant even lift my eyelids so heavy and sleepy now i cannot sleep , i am not sleepy at all, why

Mad Medic
27-05-09, 20:25
Have you been to see a doctor? There are a great number of things that could cause your problems, anaemia being at the top of my list. Anxiety, too, but you really need to rule out medical problems.

Please get back to us.

27-05-09, 21:23
Thats why they call you a Mad Medic !!!??????!!!!

Mad Medic
27-05-09, 23:11
Sorry? I'm lost.

28-05-09, 06:46
i just wake up,i slept for almost 4hrs and waking upnow no headache or gdddy, felt a bit better, at least my brain and mnd is lighter. i don't know what is hapenning actually, so far i hv no chance of sleeping nicely, now i come home and sleep (no one distrubing so i sleep, never i know it is 4hrs now). felt ok.

28-05-09, 07:13
did you get my mess

28-05-09, 09:11
it;s crazy, i just felt good better the moment i woke u;p from my 4hrs of sleep, now 1/2 hr later i am sleepy, drowsy, light heaed again, hate this, and a friend call me up to meet her, wow ia m so angry i don't want to meet anybody, i just want to be alone, but this friend is already waiting for me, i hate going out to meet people or anywher, i feel so so safe, happy staying at home alone, sometimes i dread when my hubby kids came home, i don't have time alone, i am so sick.

my firend say is there anything wrong with me, not wanting to go out and meet her, i also don't know, before i love going out, shopping, meeting friends, but ever since i got alot of panic attack, anxiety dizzy, giddy, light headed, i don't feel safe nd confident going anywhere or near poeple, i just feel scared, i pass out.

28-05-09, 09:12
When Wil Iever Get Better? I Tried Sleeping Only Felt Beter A Whle Now It's Back Again And I Hate Going To Work Or Going Out. Am Imad

28-05-09, 09:29
you wont pass out its your brain teling you ,,i sent a mess saying the docter put me on a new tablet to combact dizzyness there called BUCCASTEN 3MG YOU PUT THEM IN YOUR UPPER LIP LEAVE TO DISOLVE i had same as you been taken them 3 days they also stop tum churning and sick feeling and they work..the only thing i have taken that does at least it helps..like you i dont like going out,, its awfull ,,,i have my daughters baby christening on sunday dreading it but gotto try even if i only go for an hour ,,nothing worse than feeling dizzy margaret

30-05-09, 12:53
today i sleep all day, i am feeling sleepy i am ok in the morning, then afternoon i start to feel very drowsy, sleepy and now night, ifelt dizzy, light headed, i thought i 've enough rest and sleep, i slept 1 hr just now in the morning, now night i am feeling so drowsy , sleepy, why, as i walk, my eyes i so sleepy, and dizzy. why? and i am begining to feel very panicky, anxiety. could it be i drank a cup of coffee and could it be i hv not been drinking enough water today, i drank coffee but forgot to drink water. could that be also the reason, could my body be heaty.

30-05-09, 12:54
why is it my eyes is so sleepy, is it normal for depression, anxiety adn panicky people, it is soirritating and i am getting so so angry fast. why/

30-05-09, 17:15
ALL this problems is causing me so so much distress, i don't know when how and what trigger all of my problems, but mentally i feel so sick, becos of all these, i cant' even got the mood to take my dad and mum phone calls, when they want me to see them or go out with them, iget so sick, and avoid going out with them, and when they call i got so so angry, i don't know what is happening to me nowadays, i get sweaty, angry for everything, how can icontrol this, i am afraid i may be hurting them unintentionally, but iam so sick of myelf that meeting them iam afraid of the giddness, unstable, unbalance, panic and anxiety so i avoid going out to meet them, ifeel safe at home, pls tell me what should ido, i keep on teling myself hey igot to get better and stop al this nonsense but ifail, pls hlep., i hate this so much, it is ruinning my life, mentally and physicaly, i hate it when i go out and i feel sleepy, tired, drowsy, light headed, giddy, and lost control of myself, and getting angry with everythng and everybody. ami going to be mad soon? how can i help myself, i tried, i try to go out, but it make me more miserable and upset and irritated, and angry, help . i am doomed. should i go and learn study abt psychology?

31-05-09, 02:29
dont know why am ialways feeling so sweaty in the face

31-05-09, 14:26
pls help i think i have been very stress person all my life, i hv always been think negative, and every minute i worry abt everything, i guess now i am having nervous breakdown (do you all think so)? the worst feeling now that i am feeling is dizzyness, sleepy, tired, brain freeze, can't think and panic and drowsy and today believe it or not i have been very very weak, tired and i hv been sleeping the whole day, and lastly when i wake up this evening i felt so much better felt so great, and i start to do my work, like finding lost things, and thinking listening watching dvd songs, and suddenly it started again, i get sweaty whole face sweat and dizzy and i felt head so tense suddenly, i really thought i am getting better, but it is coming again, i hate this, i thought after sleeping the whole day i wake up feeeling good, but the goodness only last for 4hrs, after that now night i am starting to feel bad agian, pls help what should i do next? now i am feeling my confidence down again. i felt scared suddenly and eyes blury againl hate this, help pls. what should i do from here. i thgouht of giving up and go back to sleep , should i go back to sleep again? why is this playing with me, is it just my feelings, or what?

01-06-09, 16:01
i really hope you get better,i also go through similar feelings i am now at work and i feel like i can't focus,concentrate,i feel a change in vision my head is heavy and i'm tired....

03-06-09, 00:45
yeah yesterday i got the worst feeling, i feel so dizzy the whole day at work i can't even walk, i look so so pale, sickly and dragging myself to walk, i can't walk normally, it is like iam feeling life is so miserable, and i am dragging myself to walk, i hate everything everyone and see the way i walk i hv no strength no enerby theres nothing make me happy esp at work, so i automatically walk dragging and very slowly, i feel so sick yesterday and i keep on thinking when will i ever get well, how come everybody at work look healthy and normal why am i so sickly, and people know me ask hey why u look so pale, sickly, before u r healthy, active, anything wrong with u, and they say could i t be becos of my neckaching, backpain causing me to have dizziness,i am not sure.

03-06-09, 07:15
Why So So Sleepy: Is It A Symtpom Of Anxiety, Depression Or Something Worng In The Brain?so Sleepy I Feel Even I Sleep Wholeday