View Full Version : Moveable lump in belly button???

27-05-09, 12:19
Rargh. HA has been ok for two days and I've actually started to think "wheeey! Maybe I'm NOT dying!"

Then, whilst absent mindedly fiddling with my belly button last night, I felt a small moveable lump. It is about the size of a pea, but it's oval shaped rather than round. I can feel it if I insert my thumb fully into my belly button (I have an innie!) and use my index finger to pinch the roll of flab just below my belly button. It feels close(ish) to the surface (no more than an inch below) and feels within my fat, rather than within my ACTUAL body (if that makes sense). It is fully moveable and slides around from side to side quite happily.

Of course, I prodded, poked, squeezed, pressed and everything else you can imagine ALL last night, and it's a bit tender this morning.

Given the fact that I am waiting for an ovary scan at the moment due to ovary/lower back pain, I am now of course terrified that this is a cancerous lymph node.

I have googled like the idiot that I am and it HALF made me worse (lymph nodes by belly button sign of some abdominal cancers!) and HALF made me reassured, which is new for Dr Google ("there aren't any lymph nodes in that area!" and "it's a lipoma") but I am still stressing out.

Anyone had/got one of these little belly button lumps?

It's definitely not a hernia, by the way. :)

27-05-09, 13:45
Stop panicking - I did this about 20 yrs ago as I have an innie and always had a tummy and remember the awful panic when I felt the moveable lump. When my Dr had stopped laughing:blush: he explained that what I was feeling was lumps of fat - fat cells are big and round and hard and if you press down with your finger you can feel them. Now I am older and fatter I can do it all over!!! and sometimes they feel like huge hard lumps that move.

:D :D :D I had forgotten this one and how much it amused my Dr

27-05-09, 13:50
Hahaha! :D That is funny. That was my first thought too, but I couldn't feel any other lumps as big/prominent, hence why I panicked. :( I can feel fat cells; this one just feels a bit more lump-like. :S

I reckon it's a lipoma thingymajig. Bloody hope it is!


27-05-09, 18:10
Hi there,

Just wanted to tell you about Lipoma's. My hubby recently felt 3 "lumps", 2 on his right side below his waist and one nearer his belly button. He went to docs and a specialist and they both confirmed Lipoma and nothing to worry about. He just told him to keep an eye on them and if he noticed any changes or itching to go back.

Many people have these and they definitely feel like lumps.

Hope that is a little reassuring.

Take care
Natalie x

27-05-09, 18:19
I have this....have for years. Never noticed it until I was pregnant. Your fine :-)

27-05-09, 18:22
I just posted similar symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=50339) before I came across this thread.

Sounds like I'm in the same boat as you guys.