View Full Version : omg ive been offered a job though not sure i can do it

27-05-09, 12:56
in need of some extra cash and went for interview on sat was showed round the hotel (its for housekeeping position) got to top floor and all of a sudden i had a really horrible dizzy moment (nothing i havent had before :()
anyway was offered the job and i can start this saturday! its working every saturday and sunday 8am-2pm. im just not sure i can do it as this anxiety is ruining my life :( suffered on and off (mainly on) since i was 17 im now 26. i have 4 kids age 7 4 2 and 4 months and will miss them dealry too. am just thinking 'omg what if i have a massive anxiety attack that turns to panic and i just want to run away' grrrr im so frustrated i dont know what to do :(

27-05-09, 13:24
hi there,

it's great you were offered the job. sounds like the actual decision of deciding whether to go for it or not is the hardest bit. what if you said 'i'll just give it a go' - that way you take a lot of pressure off yourself in the first place and then it almost doesn't matter if it didn't work out - although i'm sure it would!

good luck, Fillyjonk

anx mum
27-05-09, 13:36
Hi kelly i think ur b fine hun. Im starting my job monday abit nervous too as im getting panic attacks still. I know its hard face the fear. Bev

27-05-09, 13:37
Well done you on getting through the interview, why not give it a go and see if you like it, you may love it, its certainly worth a try since you've got this far.

best wishes

di xx

27-05-09, 15:49
The job can't be worse than plucking up the courage to go for the interview. The hours mean you can think to yourself "it's only till lunchtime" and you will still have plenty of time with the kids each day too. I think you've done really well. Good luck. Hope you enjoy it!

eternally optimistic
27-05-09, 15:52



Good luck.

27-05-09, 16:43
Congratulations and well done to you for managing to go for and get through the interview process.

I should imagine starting the job won't be nearly as stressful.:hugs:

27-05-09, 17:18

Well done for going for the job and congratulations for getting it. Give it a go, you may really like it and if you don't then you can leave. Unless you try you will never know.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


27-05-09, 22:27
thanks so much it means a lot to read your replys.
i know what your all saying and i know you are all right, its just if it were say 2 hours away from home dont think i would feel so bad but as its 6 hours at a time im panicking just thinking about it :(

29-05-09, 13:17
i really dont think i can go for the job im panicky and dizzy just thinking about it i will be a wreck in the morning thing is i cant win as if i dont go i will feel a failure :( im sick and fed up with feeling like this i want to scream :(

29-05-09, 15:50
Hi Mummy 4, I am really glad to hear that you went for the interview and got the job. That is a real positive - wish I could do the same. By the way I have had those horrible dizzy moments too so you are not alone with that. Do you think that maybe you went for the job a bit "too soon" and that if you had left it a bit longer, till you werent so scared (and it will come) then you would have perhaps found it a bit easier? Or, how about a job with less hours to "get you back into it". I think you were really brave going for the interview Mummy 4. Another thought is to just give it a go and see how you feel after the first day and so on, as other people have said on here. Do you have a supportive family who understand how you are feeling?


30-05-09, 23:02
omg i cant believe this.....I FAILED :(
got up with all good intentions of going and ended up ringing to say my hubby has had to go away for work today (he hasnt really) that was my pathetic excuse feel awful as she was lovely and said nevermind she will see me next week. thing is i know i will just feel the same next week :(:(
im just feeling very useless :(

30-05-09, 23:04
Hi Mummy 4, I am really glad to hear that you went for the interview and got the job. That is a real positive - wish I could do the same. By the way I have had those horrible dizzy moments too so you are not alone with that. Do you think that maybe you went for the job a bit "too soon" and that if you had left it a bit longer, till you werent so scared (and it will come) then you would have perhaps found it a bit easier? Or, how about a job with less hours to "get you back into it". I think you were really brave going for the interview Mummy 4. Another thought is to just give it a go and see how you feel after the first day and so on, as other people have said on here. Do you have a supportive family who understand how you are feeling?


yes i really think i 'need more time' but i always seem to bl**dy think that :(

31-05-09, 21:58
So sorry to hear you did not go to work - I know how hard it is to do these things when we are going through anxiety and I would have done the same as you. I am now 95% cured of the anxiety and would go for an interview now but could not have coped before now. So I think you were great to go for the interview and that in its self has been practice for next time. Its taken me 3 years to get the the 95% stage in recovery and I know how tedious, painful and frightening anxiety is. But you will get there and there will come a time when you realise you dont need more time and you can cope. Have you been to www.anxietynomore.co.uk (http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk) or read any Claire Weekes books? These have been a great help to me.


eternally optimistic
02-06-09, 10:26

Just read your update.

Hope you are OK and feeling strong.

The time will be right when you feel right.

Take care.

02-06-09, 11:22
Hi mummy4

It is a very hard thing to do going back to work and you did really well going for the interview and getting the job so don't think bad of yourself. You nearly got there but the time just wasn't right, keep trying. Be proud of the fact you got as far as you did.

Carol x