View Full Version : Hi - little nervous here.

27-05-09, 14:37

I am 50 years old and for most of my younger life have sufferred from anxiety states. Later on, I managed to overcome most of them except one - I panic and freeze when I feel under scrutiny. This has meant that I fail any interview I go for in my profession as a counsellor. The only employment in the last 10 years has been obtained simply because I volunteered for a long while. Tried 4 interviews and though on a couple of them I was the most experienced, just froze and could not remain focussed at all. I felt ill before, ill during and ill and disheartened after. My bit of work I have is coming to an end soon and my temptation is to forget working for anybody again and never face another interview. Have mentioned it before to people and I get "everybody is nervous in interviews". Maybe, but I feel it is not like this.

Have done interviews for things I didnt give a damn abbout and managed to get them jobs somehow- ordinary stuff when on breaks but the greater the importance, the more I freeze up. Lost all confidence in ability to overcome this.


27-05-09, 15:04
Hi Potty

I'm new too .......I have the exact same reaction in interviews too .......I joke that if I'm asked my name I wouldn't be able to say it !!!

I'm stuck now ...do I put myself through an interview or simply carry on with the small amount of work I get ( supply teacher)


Sorry I don't have any answers

27-05-09, 15:12
hi chenoa.

it is frustrating because all I feel that is open to me are bits of jobs, if that. On interviews I did "brave" apart from freezing I have walked out and even told them where to go and been sarcasitic, which is out of character. I get in a state of thinking with my feet instead of on them-lol


29-05-09, 07:17
Lol! We're all a little nervous. It's why we're here. LOL! Just kidding.
I'm glad to meet you.
Just remember to breath deep and tell yourself to be confident.
You're so qualified they should be BEGGING to hire you.
Look at some of the tips on here.
They really helped me, they might help you too.

29-05-09, 14:49
Hi everybody, I'm Alison, I'm married, just turned 41 and I have two wonderful daughters and thankfully a supportive husband. I'm a civil servant with the Department of Work and Pensions, that's the posh name for the 'dole':D, been there.... well perhaps too long:D, well it's not that bad really, certainly not at 5pm on a Friday afternoon:D I'm off this week, kids half term, and thought I would invest sometime in looking for some help and advice.

I have been suffering from Panic Attacks for just over three years now. I can't really remember specifically what was going on in my life when they started, I certainly don't remember anything particularly out of the ordinary, no particular stress or strain -nothing from memory seems to spring to mind, however I do remember where the first 'attack' took place, it was in my local Supermarket, one Saturday morning while I was attempting to do the family weekly shop with the kids To cut a long story short, I more or less ran out of the place with the kids shouting , mum, mum, what's wrong, Heavens, even now I cringe with embarrassment when I think back to it. Since then they have unfortunately become a fixture in my life and I have tried so many things, hypnosis (a fortune) Neuro, something or other, can't remember what you call it, and some weird kind of tapping on my body - none of which has worked - so here I am on this forum - and others - trying to find someone who has used something that has worked. I'ts also nice, in a perverse kind of way, to know that I am not alone out there. Alison