View Full Version : Another Headache Topic Sorry

27-05-09, 16:32
I bet your all bored of headache topics in here now lol.


Ive had headaches now for 2 weeks and I never ever get them.
Went to the doctors last week about them he looked in my eyes and pressed around my head couldnt come up with nothing so just gave me ibuprofen which I didnt take becuase I cant take tablets without freaking out lol.

It feels like a heart beat pounding in my head, I cant hear my beat though like some people.
It gets worse if I run up the stairs and sit down theres loads of pressure in my head then or if I get up quickly.

Does anyone know what it could be?

28-05-09, 04:45
i get this .. it's muscle and tension. you have a lot of muscle and blood flow in your head/neck area that you aren't aware of. anxiety totally overworks there. i found head and neck massage (by someone who specializes in that) to work wonders. if you're still worried go back to the doc but try massage as well.

28-05-09, 18:35
i've had the same for about a week now!
it's awful :(

i get the pain all over my head:
back of my head
top of my head
you name it.
i can't stand it!
don't worry though it's just your anxiety!

best wishes:)

28-05-09, 19:36
same here, this is how my anxiety always starts....lots of headaches. different kinds of headaches, in different areas of my head. and sometimes it feels like i am on an airplane and there is a ton of pressure inside my head even in my sinuses. it has lasted months before. i have had two head scans in the past 4 years because of these headaches that are clear, so i know it is probably anxiety.

29-05-09, 21:47
Thanks everyone for the reassurance

I havent had any for the past 3 days now so touch wood.