View Full Version : Symptoms

Kristi Pipkin
30-08-05, 22:45

I just wanted to know if anyone else suffers from the same symptoms as me, the feelings that I get are:-

Losing control
Out of body experiances
Feeling like I am 'not here' - can see people talking to me but they are coming in and out of focus and I can't hear them
Going MAD

I feel anxiety within groups of people, even going out for lunch with my girlfriends or going out to the shops, I am generally a confident persion so I find this hard to deal with sometimes.[:I]

I am finding the positive thinking really helpful but it would be nice to hear from you if you feel the same symptoms and what helps you overcome these.

30-08-05, 23:40
Hi kristi Pipkin

At sometime or another we all do.

I guess we cope by keeping ourselves busy, trying to relax and telling ourselves that no matter how nasty things get, we have try to stay positive and carry on with things as best we can.

I find touching something solid like a wall or the floor helps, and when I walk I stamp my feet. It helps to remind me that I am actually here and that everything around me is really going on.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

Kristi Pipkin
31-08-05, 07:11
Hi Liz

That's something new for me to think about and take on board [8D]

It's great getting to know people who are suffering too and exchanging stories and 'tips' on we all handle our anxieties.

K x