View Full Version : Hello very new here

27-05-09, 18:54
Hi , i am from the Uk . I had my first CBT session today and found it helpful . I have a issue with medical appointments and hospitals and dentists. I have a long term illness that makes things hard when i am poorly and feel unwell not to panic on top of the symptoms that so scare me. I have three young children and I have to have my wisdom teeth out Saturday under local- i hav epostponed three times and I am very scared. Any advice or re-assurance on how to handle this fear. Thank you

28-05-09, 01:02

Welcome. Nothing to do with a fear but jump in & do it anyway. Then gloat at the fear. Say ha ha, I am stronger than you ;) I won. Winning is better than losing, isn't it?

I panic due to chronic pain all the time. But I sure refuse to let it make me give up. That's my control I have access to, so that's what I work with. It's hard, but the years when I gave up on myself were harder. I feel that there is no other choice but to keep pushing on & it gets a little easier with each day that I make that choice, even though there are always good & bad days. The bad days aren't as bad as the bad days were from when I read my old diary from 2005. I am clearer, stronger, more in control, but sometimes I forget that I am because I forget how far I have come already.

That's it. That's what I've learned so far. Be strong, you can do it!


28-05-09, 01:06
Hello and Welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding here, glad you found the site , i understand going to the dentist or hospital for your teeth will not be giving you pleasant feelings but try to tell yourself how more pleasant you will feel when you have done it , please try to go for your health and in return you will gain abit more confidence and beleive me toothache is something that does not go away without a dentist so please try your best to go to your appointments , i myself have problems like you and need afew more visits to my dentist , i just know whatever the cost to my panic i have to go, can you get a family member to accompany you let me know how you get on , im sure the dentist will make you feel at ease , i really do wish you well , take care :welcome: d :flowers: good luck x