View Full Version : Sick Of My Life

lisa chandler
27-05-09, 19:34
For About 4 Months Now I Have Been Having Funny Feelings In My Chest And All I Can Think About Everyday Is That Im Going 2 Have A Heart Attack Ive Been 2 The Doctors And Told Them How Im Feeling And They Keep Putting It Down 2 Anxiety But I Cant Get These Heart Attack Thoughts Out My Head Its All I Think About And Its Ruining My Life Ive Give Up My Job That I Loved Because Of It I Feel Totally Alone I Just Wish I Was Dead Sometimes I Even Think 2 Myself Sometimes Will I Still B Here This Time Next Week Im So Scared I Just Want Me Back

27-05-09, 19:55
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way, check out the menu on the left you'll get loads of info there too about anxiety and all the symptoms we get from it.

best wishes

di xx

27-05-09, 20:02
Hi Lisa

Welcome to NMP.

I know exactly how you feel with the heart, because I'm exactly the same & with my breathing too. It has again taken over my thoughts nearly every single minute of the day as soon as I wake up. I don't have an answer Lisa, I wish I did.

We're all here to help each other & give advice when we can. Or just to know you're not alone in your feelings.


27-05-09, 20:05
Yep you'll be here next week! I have written some stuff about the heart. It really is an amazing powerful organ .... check out some of my posts and maybe that will give you some insight.

Actually it's the strongest most amazing organ in the body except for the Liver which can regenerate itself. Noticed I left of the brain as being amazing, mine doesn't work right lol .... just a little joke there.

Hope you feel better. Which you will.

28-05-09, 23:21
i feel you all the way sometimes you cant help but wonder why??? the mind is very powerful and its a dangerous place to walk alone! coming into this site and writing your feelings really helps i know because i cannot afford insurance so i dont have a therapist =( so i need advise for people in this site. i hope your feeling better!!


28-05-09, 23:33
Are you on any medication? Like beta-blockers? They might greatly benefit you. Go to you GP and talk about having these 'attacks', they're horrible to deal with, it's best you do something about them. If you're hyperventilating try breathing exercises or breathing in and out a paper bag.

I hope you haven't heard all this before. And hope you feel better hun X

28-05-09, 23:38
hi, i too have gone through what youre feeling, and know exactly how you feel, i found cbt quite helpfull and also certain medications for anxiety, im sure things will improve, take care, damo

30-05-09, 23:48

I know exactly how you feel. I am going through it at the minute. In 2007 I thought I had a heart problem and I went to AE on two occasions to the doctors numerous times and went to see a cardiologist who referred me for further tests. The tests came back clear and I was told to stop worrying about my heart. Now 2 years on I still have this fear and time I cant help thinking that I could have as it was two years ago that I had my tests.

I have tightness in my chest which comes and goes randomly. Pains in my side or my back which come and go. The only thing that keeps me sane is the fact that I have had a number of tests 2 years ago after very similar symptoms.

I am sitting here typing away while having all these pains in my chest. I feel that when I grasp the skin on my chest or massage the front of my chest it seems to go for a while which also adds to my reactive mind.

I now find going to the doctors and or medical profession much more stressful than the symptoms themselves.

I will read drummermikes threads next to make me feel better.

Take care
