View Full Version : can anyone relate to symptoms

freudian nightmare
27-05-09, 21:12
hello everyone,
I'm new to this site and would like some advice if anyone can help me. I've suffered with anxiety/depression for a long time and have always worried about things especially my health. lately i have felt quite low and went to docs tonight to get some councilling. I don't know what they'll say but i haven't felt right for a while now and feel i need some help.
I feel uncomfortable in groups of people and don't know what to say or fear saying the wrong thing. I feel that what i say will be scrutinised by others and i'll be harshly judged. I get flustered in groups and sometimes stammer my words which can be embarrassing and difficult to get my point across well. I find it hard to trust people and don't like burdening others with my problems(sorry if i'm rambling). I find it hard to make decisions and drive my love ones mad because i just can't decide anything. I feel that my problems are causing me distress and affecting my relationship with others as i always feel that people just want to know everything and are not really interested in me as a person. Does anyone else feel the same way or is it just me? Thanks

27-05-09, 21:23
Hi ava
I joined today too

I can empathise with the decision thing ....finding it very hard at moment .....reading many self help books ...the first thing is to decide what you want . !!! struggling with this

:hugs: hope you find ansewrs here

freudian nightmare
27-05-09, 21:28
Thanks for the reply chenoa,
I hope you find the help you want here, it's just nice to talk to ones who understand as i think that anx/depression etc are very misunderstood and yet more and more people suffer from these disorders than ever. Thanks again. x

27-05-09, 21:34
the counselling will help a great deal.. i was stuck in a major rut and now im feeling better! its still difficult at times and the feelings come and go in social situations.

you will get better! :-)

27-05-09, 21:41
yes, i have a pretty bad case of health anxiety, and as if thats not enough i have anxiety about many other things as well. i think though that since you will be in a group of people that are going through the same things as you, you will probably get comfortable pretty quick. its all about getting through it the first time, and then you'll feel better every time. good luck.:yesyes:

freudian nightmare
27-05-09, 21:55
thanks for your replys it's nice to know that i'm not on my own with these problems. Take care x