View Full Version : Success!

Marc EH
27-05-09, 21:24

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm now off Citalopram and living life very 'normally' for want of a better word! I did go through a very dark stage but I'm so very happy to say that I feel so much better, I'm back working full time and although medication did help I'm happy to be off them and with no side effects!

Take care and I keep logging in to say hello!! :D

Lion King
27-05-09, 22:53
Well Done! Keep the success rolling!

27-05-09, 23:05
its great to hea that - i am just debating if to take them at the momment but im so scared that i wont be able to function day to day. I read so many conflicting posts about the side affects and whilst i know they affect everyone diferently i cant be a zombie!!
well done!
your adIvse would be greatly recieved on these tabs!

27-05-09, 23:19
*Does the NMP victory dance*

Congratulations old son, you know where we are if you need someone to cover your back, this is so inspirational! You made it through!!

Another victory for the NMP gang!

PS: GAD, click the "citalopram survival guide" link in my signature. It is very unlikely you will be zombified -- you might feel zonked now and then in the early days but citalopram and the other SSRIs don't really interfere with daily life, especially once your body has adapted to them. The only side effect that can be intrusive is the increased anxiety -- not everybody gets that, and in nearly all cases it settles down after a while. Get em down you and see how you feel, it is the only way to be sure :)

28-05-09, 14:47
Thats good news Marc so glad you are now feeling better.:yesyes: All the very best for the future.Sue x:hugs:

29-05-09, 23:01
psychopoet - thanks for that, believe it or not i think i will start taking them. As ive read they affect everyone differently but just you stating that i probably wont be zombiefied as they normally dont interferre with everyday life in that way, i think is what i needed to hear. why dont they just bloody say that in the leaflets? lol. Im gonna set a date and give em a go - of course i realise they affect everyone differently but how will i know unless i try? thanks.m

30-05-09, 01:28

30-05-09, 01:30
well done keep up the good work!!i am now 4 months off escitalpram no more side efects now slight agitation but i just think thats my job !lol keep smilin;-]

30-05-09, 14:33
Mark EH (and anyone else who has come off)
I tapered my dose down over about 6 weeks to come off - GP approved - I was feeling fine! For about a week 10 days no change then last week I got some very strange things happening, slight anxiety, spacey head, eye 'floaters' and some real serotonin-y brain activity, its eased a bit as the weeks gone on but it really took me by surprise, and obviously there's the fear of going back to square one. I rang my GP who said to go back on a low dose again for a few weeks or ride it out...

Any ideas?? I am in uncharted territory...
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