View Full Version : New member ALS fear ...HELP!

27-05-09, 21:37
is it all in my head? i am 27 female, (i have had health anxiety since i was a kid.)so i know the chances of having this horrible disease are very very slim. so here's my case
why i think i have als:
certain things on my body look extra boney (feet especially), but its all symmetrical, wouldn't atrophy come into one foot or one hand first?
i have trouble with swallowing, but if i am not thinking about it for some reason, i dont notice it.
i get twitches all over my body, and the ones in the face really really scare me
i feel weak, but when i exersize i am perfectly capable of doing pushups, squats, etc.

why i think i dont have als:
my initial symptoms started four years ago, twitches and jerks, and those went away for about three years...i do not welcome them back
this time (few months ago) my symptoms started with headache and double vision...not signs of als
i have been though a stressful move, and have three small children
i have had frequent urination, not a sign of als
i can carry around my kids, do chores, and exersize
as i was initially thinking MS, i stumbled upon ALS---and within weeks i was having more of the als symptoms, so is this my fantastic ability to manufacture my own symptoms???
i am tired of freaking out, want to get over this and be back to my old self...

27-05-09, 21:46
thanks for the reply. i am a little embarrassed because i feel like the chances are so low, why did i have to "pick" this horrible disease, i am also a little mad at myself for reading about it because i should know better, but i have never been this off the deep end before. i need as much reassurance i can get at this point to get me through the day, i am trying to rewire my brain back to normal, but i think i really spun it out of control with this one and really need some help.

27-05-09, 21:59

28-05-09, 00:51
i wish there was just one simple test that they could give us to tell us we have the green light, we are fine, get on with life.

28-05-09, 18:49

28-05-09, 22:27
The course of ALS is pretty distinct from what I can gather. It doesn't go into remission, its a steady (or dramatic) decline, and it is very distinct from anxiety, benign jerks, etc. But you know all this already.

The mind certainly does manufacture symptoms, just like it manufactures cures - the placebo effect, for instance, is well documented.

You don't have it. But you know that already. Its also unlikely you'll get it in the future.

If this is wrecking your life, is there a chance you could seek counselling?

28-05-09, 23:45
not sure. i just moved and haven't even found a GP yet. i am trying to wait until i get over this hump and this particular set of symtoms because i don't want to go into my first appt with a new doc freaking out about something so rare, or be put through unneccessary tests while i freak out every day thinking about the results. i really need to get over this anxiety as it has given me enough symptoms that i think i would have to have about four overlying diseases to cover them all. i would love to know what it feels like again to get through the day withough thinking about this crap.