View Full Version : codiene feels like a cure!!

27-05-09, 22:48
Since I discovered cocodamol 30/500 its been like a cure!! I know drugs are not the answer (even prescription) and I lived many years without taking anything, infact taking meds scares me stiff, i still wont take anti depressants, but these tablets just seem to hold my anxiety at bay. ive been taking them for about 18 months and they help me to relax instantly - i know they are not good for you because of the parcetamol and wot not but i only take 4 a day and it realy helps so is this realy that bad?? i have kids and am alot more patient and can cope with my business easier day to day while im taking them - i dont think i will progress onto taking more because i am hyper aware of the consequences of drug taking and ive already taken them for 18 months.
despite this your views are greatly appreciated!
GAD.X :noangel:

Deepest Blue
27-05-09, 22:57

They are highly addictive, I have been on them for several years and it wasn't until my sister told me a story last year about someone she knew that had died from taking these for so many years so I instantly stopped them, I went cold turkey for about 2 weeks then after that my body became used to not taking them. I agree they did give me a buzz but I was too scared of what the consequences were. They guy that died was only 37.

27-05-09, 23:18
OMG realy?? do you know how many he took a day?
thanks for the reply by the way even if i am scared s**tless!

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Deepest Blue
27-05-09, 23:31
OMG realy?? do you know how many he took a day?
thanks for the reply by the way even if i am scared s**tless!

Firstly, don't feel scared because you are nowhere near the amount he was taking, I think he was taking them every 4 hours consantly - and I was close to taking about the same :ohmy: He was also mixing them with other things too, hence why I said they are so addictive, it caused a reaction and it poisoned him.

Please don't feel scared, it's highly unlikely to happen to you and if you're that worried then speak to your gp, tell them what you're taking and how many so that they can advise you if it's at a dangerous level or not.:hugs:

27-05-09, 23:37
yeh if im honest i was hoping that someone WOULD reply with info like this to kick me into touch! even tho i take 4 per day i stopped taking them about 4 months ago and felt drained like i couldnt move! i put it down to coincidence but i think i no it was the codiene. i also get headaches more now!
i wont just stop, i think i will cut to 2 in the morning and combine it with exercise to try and replace the feel good feeling i will miss soo much!"
Thanks so much

Deepest Blue
27-05-09, 23:45
I thought I couldn't live without them and I managed to stop, it's been nearly a year now and if I can do it I know you can do it too:yesyes: Good luck:hugs:

28-05-09, 00:00
They will make you feel relaxed as they have a euphoric effect. But they can be detrimental to your health, so it's a good idea to cut down :) But remember to cut down slowly and over time so that you're not craving them as much. And yes, it is common to experience more headaches due to taking them regulary, but don't worry, this is okay.

Don't worry, it will be fine, find something else/do something else which will provide you with a euphoric effect, exercise is a good idea, also do the things that you enjoy doing. :)

You can do it, you've taken the first step towards giving them up simply by noticing that it's something you should do. Well done. :) Best of luck :D

Chrissy xxxx