View Full Version : worry about a heart attack

lisa chandler
27-05-09, 22:48
I Get Funny Feelings And Pains In My Chest Everyday Ive Had It About 4 Months Now And Im So Scared Im Going 2 Have A Heart Attack I Worry About It Everyday Ive Been 2 The Doctors And They Say Its Anxiety Ive Even Been 2 The Hospital Ive Been That Scared Ive Had A Ecg And That Came Back As Fine The Doctors Have Checked My Heart And They Say Im Fine But I Cant Get These Thoughts Out My Head

27-05-09, 23:09
I'm the same way. I always feel twinges in my chest area, maybe a shooting pain once in a while, and a discomfort after I eat sometimes. I always feel like something isn't right.

I also had an ecg done and was fine.

If your peers feel the same things and are fine, and your doctors tell you you're fine, then you need to half the comfort of knowing that things are okay.


lisa chandler
27-05-09, 23:20
Thankyou 4 Your Reply Its Nice 2 Know Someone Feels How I Do Deep Down I Know Im Ok I Just Cant Seem 2 Stop Worrying That Its Going 2 Happen Its That Bad That I Think 2 Myself When Family Make Arrangments With Me Will I Still B Here Next Week

27-05-09, 23:29
Unfortunately I'm the same way, Lisa. For example, I got this little bump on my tummy that has gotten me so depressed thinking that I'm going to eventually come down with cancer or something. It sucks to have these negative vibes.

And guess what? I too get depressed or sad thinking about the future because people like you and I live everyday knowing that our life is going to be cut short one way or another.

But that's not the way to go about it. We need to realize that we are healthy, and sure we have some anxiety, but we will be around for a long, long time. :)

Deepest Blue
27-05-09, 23:36

I think I posted something similar here before about this.

Many years ago, I had the exact fear as you and I thought I was going to have a heart attack simply because of the shooting pains I was getting, in my chest and arms, I was convinced I was going to have it at any moment. I had an ECG as well, all came fine even though my pulse was going like the clappers and I was out of breath, I was just merely having a Panic Attack brought on by my fears. This went on for about a year until I finally realised there was nothing wrong, the pains went away. They will with you too:hugs: