View Full Version : Newcomer with a question :)

27-05-09, 23:35
Hello, I'm Luke. I stumbled upon your website while looking for an answer to a question of mine.

I have been having quite bad anxiety problems and panic attacks for a few months now. I'm going to therapy sessions to try and sort it all out. I had a massive panic attack on a plane home a few months back and am quite nervous about flying this Sunday. I've been to my doctor and he has given me 6 2mg Diazepam tablets to take. However he didn't tell me too much information about it all - so I thought I'd ask you lot :)

1) When should I take the first tablet? When I start to feel anxious, or on my way to the airport? (I won't be driving, but I will be alone when I get to the airport).

2) How long does it take to kick in? Will I feel a noticable difference or will I just not feel anxious?

3) How long does it last?

4) How many can you take in one day? Does it matter how long it has been before you take another?

I appreciate the time you take to reply and wish you all a wonderful evening :)



28-05-09, 00:16
I have only ever taken half a diazepam which was 5mg. That took about 20 minutes to kick in and lasted about 4 or 5 hours. They were really good. Didn't make me feel tired or subdued and calmed me down greatly. The thing is not to take too many. They are highly addictive and shouldn't be relied on to get rid of panic attacks although they do work. My doctor warned me only to take them every so often. Hope that helps. Thats as far as my knowledge stretches :) x

28-05-09, 00:46
You see another problem I have is actually taking the pill. I'm actually worried that I'm going to feel anxious after I take it!

28-05-09, 00:52
Its HIGHLY unlikely you'll feel anxious after taking it. You'll feel much more calm, at ease, might even make you feel a bit sleepy.
I would say take it about 20-30 mins before your getting on the plane.
and usually the effects will last around 5-6 hours. I wouldnt suggest takin more than one a day, some of these benzos can be addictive. only take them as needed. Hope i helped

28-05-09, 09:17
Hi Luke

My GP also gave me 2mg tablets when I described my anxiety about flying and travelling in general and I have found them very useful on a very occaisonal basis.

My main advice would be to read the instructions that come with the tablets and how many your GP has advised you to take and when. If you are still unsure speak to your GP again or a pharmacist.

My GP advised me to take one while I was at home on a normal day to see how they affected me before taking them when I was anxious. That way I wouldn't get anxious about what side effects I might get when I was already anxious about other things! I tried this and felt pretty normal.

In times of anxiety I have usually only taken one tablet, for example when I flew home from Tenerife last summer I started to feel anxious mid afternoon as the time came to head to the airport so I took a tablet then. Within about an hour I felt better and felt pretty calm all the way home, probably about as nervous as non anxious people get when flying!

I also took them when I was a bridesmaid at a wedding last summer, again I took them as soon as I started to feel anxious and felt very calm and chilled out all day. They just kind of take the edge off the worry and make it feel more manageable. I try to only take them for big events like flying as they can be addictive and I don't want to end up relying on them but for me they have their place and are useful emergency tool.

Let us know how it goes.


29-05-09, 01:08
Thanks for the info so far guys :)

The box I got them in is a generic pharmacy pill box with no instructions and has a sticker saying something like 'Take one pill as described by your doctor'.. I tried phoning NHS direct twice - I was going to ask them about the dosage, times to take etc but an automated message says that they're only taking emergency calls due to high traffic.. I don't want to distrub them at a busy time :shrug:

I might try taking one on Saturday to see how it makes me feel. Last thing I want is to be alone in an airport and a different country far away from home reacting funny to medicine :ohmy: