View Full Version : mouth worries

28-05-09, 12:45
hi all

not been on here for a while but recently have been concerned about my gums. they started bleeding when i brushed my teeth and i have a very slight white spot on my gum. stupidly i looked on google (my enemy) and mouth cancer popped up. been having panic attacks about it and am constantly checking to see if somethings changed in the last 5 minutes so my mouth is hurting anyway (always touching it)

went to the dentist and she only mentioned some gum disease and gave me a mouthwash - she would have mentioned it if she thought it was something serious - right? i didnt want to bring it up myself but wish i had now. feeling low again:weep:


28-05-09, 13:11
dentistis routinely check for anything that could be cancerous. Most of the time they do not even tell you they are doing so. Are you sure this white patch is not an ulcer? they are very common and quite painful. Dentists know what they are looking for. If he said you had some form of gum disease he is really really likely to be spot on. You forget their whole job is about looking in mouths. The most common type of mouth cancer begins as lumps under the tongue, and even then it is unlikely to be cancer unless you are a heavy heavy smoker. I understand your fears as I went through a period of health anxiety believing the same about myself. Fortunately since speaking repeatedly to doctors and dentists, I managed to get over it... and now, as a result Ive moved on to concerns about lung cancer. Its never ending isnt it. I would suggest you look up the posts by Kraggy, as he is going through similar concerns as you and you may prove to be an aid to each other... but seriously, it would be a concern maybe if youd been using chewing tabacco for twenty years and were about 50 years old, but I really think your fears are more likely a result of health anxiety than a real medical issue involving oral cancer. I am always here if you wish to talk. As I said, Ive already been where you are now and I know how scary it can be. If you want more reassurance, send me a private message and Ill be here for you as and hen you need me x

28-05-09, 13:30
Thank you - very much appreciate it

katy x

28-05-09, 17:58
I have this! hun honestly,it is gum disease or gingivitus if you want tp get fancy. my teeth at the lower bottom centre of my mouth are very close together so i cant really floss properly so my gums hurt like a mother most of the time and they can swell a little round the bottoms of my teeth..it's nothing hun,when you bleed when you brush,providing you arent doing it hard,it is actually a good sign as that is your gums getting rid of the bacteria that builds up!

miss diagnosis
28-05-09, 18:15
hi ya

i had this except my gums were pouring blood all the time.
i thought i had mouth cancer too and i was terrified to go to the dentist.
In the end i did and it was gum disease. not even that bad. im currently getting some gum treatment as mine was gone under the gum line.

bet the dentist gave you corsodyl? its just gingivitis. nothing at all :-)

28-05-09, 18:23
My two cents...no on the cancer but when you say it's "just" gingivitis...gingivitis can lead to periodontal problems and tooth loss over time. I have had numerous gum surgeries because I didn't take the bleeding gums seriously. Gums are NOT supposed to bleed when you brush your teeth. It is really important to get the plaque removed from your teeth every 6 months (I go every 3) before it hardens. This leads to bone loss. I have lost several teeth because I didn't take care of my teeth as a younger person. A good thing to do after you brush your teeth is to go around every tooth (after flossing) and use a rubber tip on a stick which you can buy and remove the white stuff. You would be surprised how much is still there after brushing and flossing. This is the stuff that hardens and causes the problem. Then brush one more time, baking soda is great at removing some of the residue too. Just trying to save anyone from going through what I went through.

01-06-09, 03:33
hey katy i know exactly how you are feeling i am going through the same exact thing as you are i just found out i have gum disease also and it has been causing me some pretty bad HA but i just have to keep telling myself that i am gonna be fine i also second guessed the dentist thinking it was mouth cancer and he just maybe didn't realize it but thats what i do i am a worrier and just tell myself i am gonna be OK ...i hope you feel better soon seeing is it can be really painful i just had to get a deep root cleaning whatever that means although it has made things much better i still worry so i know how you feel just hang in there k have a great day :)

01-06-09, 09:26
Hope the gums are better sweety. it can be painful xxxxx