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miss worrier
28-05-09, 15:16
hey guys, i been suffering ha for many years now i had medication and councilling to help as ive had every symptom u can think of and more, ive been reading lots of posts that remind me of difficult time i had too.
im currently off the medication and much betta than i have been however u can guarentee when u least expect it anxiety returns, sometimes for no reason sometimes due to the smallest of things but something iv learned thats got me this far is a secret i wanna share with all of u to help combaat anxiety.
i just dont care about it any more, its ruiend my life made me afraid of my own shadow and now i just dont care, i let it hit me and i numb myself to the fear and then i let it pass and it goes and i dont give it a second thought, thats the trick u see anxiety is just fear of fear so cut the fear out an its got nothing to thrive on without numbing myself to these feelings id of slit my wrists years ago but just like a bully looses intrest when they no u dont fear them, so does anxiety, it took me months to practise and perfect this but its a fact however real it feels all anxity symptoms are in our heads there is no cure for anxiety it is a natural reaction to fear in everybody the only way out is to learn to control it. my story is of many years experiance to long to write about but if anyone wants to no any more or just wants a buddy for the badtimes please pm me, im happy to chat x

28-05-09, 15:20
What an inspiring post, and well done you.

This is the way i am helping myself right now, i'm inviting the panic to come do its worst, its not easy and it takes time, but i am so much better than i was 6 mths ago.

I'm sure you will be an inspiration to most here.

best wishes

di xx

Deepest Blue
28-05-09, 15:43
i let it hit me and i numb myself to the fear and then i let it pass and it goes and i dont give it a second thought,

there is no cure for anxiety it is a natural reaction to fear in everybody the only way out is to learn to control it.

Quite simply a brilliant post and it's something I have been working on for a while too and it does work, it just takes a lot of patience and practice.

I've pointed out two key quotes that I think is very important in any road to recovery.

The thing is, even if we are cured or don't feel anxiety any longer, the issues that caused it in the first place will still be there, every day from then on after the recovery we still face hardships, I think the skill being how we can ensure we don't fall into it again. So even though we can make our anxiety better, we can't control what we face around us, however, we can handle them better if we can learn how to.:hugs:

28-05-09, 16:45
what a lovely post thank you ..Im struggleing too and trying to think possitively and not relly too much on medication i have come off citalopram after only 3 days . Glad you added this x

28-05-09, 16:59
What a great post, Ive recently learned too, after 30 years of anxiety, thats its better to go with it. I just sit down take a few deep breaths and tell it to bog off! Like you say it ruins your life if you let it.
Well done you.
Carol x

29-05-09, 05:55
Bravo to you. This type of attitude is exactly what Dr. Claire Weekes advocates. She says to not run from it but let it pass over you. You can't fight it, it will only make it worse. Of course this is easy for me to say right now but tomorrow morning when I wake up and I have burning feet, numb fingers, a racing heart and Lord knows what else it won't be so easy. Keep up the fight.