View Full Version : Wise words of encouragement and advice needed from HA sufferers.

28-05-09, 16:02
I would post this in the HA forum or elsewhere but is it ok if I feel more comfortable posting it in here? I'm going abroad next month, to college. I'll be living on my own (with a roommate) for the first time in my life, in a new country and going to college too. That's a pretty big deal...and I also have anxiety. I'm not always anxious but it's in there. It's mostly health anxiety. When all symptoms disappear, I start focusing on my heart because well...idk I just do. There's nothing wrong with it that I know of, never had any symptoms but if I'm out alone I start getting panicy worrying about it.

Next month it'll be 1 year since I've had anxiety. I HAVE to overcome this. I'm an honor student, always have been..before anxiety, and I must be an honor student in college too. My question is, is is possible for me to handle college and dorming and all of that with anxiety? Can I do it? Has anyone else here done it? I keep picturing myself having panic attacks in front of everyone. I have had panic attacks since anxiety began, but never in front of anyone (except the first couple, when I thought it was actually a heart issue, not anxiety...and then the 2nd time thought it was diabetes, wrong again) ...but I just can't fail. Failure is not an option. I want straight As. I wanna get through college without any issues. I wanna make my parents proud. I'm an honor student and I must be an uber honor student in college. College is expensive and my parents are going through a lot to make my dreams come true.

Please give me some tips to handle my anxiety while I'm away and in college...please give me words or encouragment, and any personal stories of triumph. Thank you veryyy much.

28-05-09, 17:22
The best thing Ive found for overcoming things is learning. Understand what you are suffering from and you can keep it in perspective. Personally Im a bit of a self help junkie. When my health anxiety was at its worst, I read a book called "When Panic Attacks" by Aine Tubridy. It is almost like a step by step programme on how to cope with anxiety. Other books that I found a great aid were "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway" by Susan Jeffers and "How to make friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie. The latter deals more with confidence than anxiety but does address many issues I suffered from as a result of anxiety. Most of my time I spend studying psychology. Understanding why we do what we do. Understanding the body and how it works. Understanding the psychology of fear and trauma. Nutritional ways of improving anxiety.... etc. I would arm yourself with some good books. Another technique I find greatly helpful is purchasing a "Flipvideo" they cost about £120. It is like a camera sized video recorder that converts the files to avi. so you can store them on your pc. I kept a video diary whenever I felt like I was panicking... then another after I had calmed down. It helps you rationalise your own thoughts. I assume you will have access to the internet, so even though you are travelling, to a certain extent, we will be with you for the duration. Use us as best you can. We are here to help with anything you can throw at us. We may not have the answers but we are always full of suggestions. All my love, Naomi x

29-05-09, 14:57
thanks Naomi, help is appreciated. do you know of any online guides to get through panic and anxiety too? Yes, I will have access to the internet. :)

anyone else?

30-05-09, 15:25
will it helps if i go and study psychology. i am really at my losing end, i hate it that i am always always gidy, dizzy, light headed, and stress and anxiety, can studying abt psychology hlep me?

30-05-09, 20:57
yes alba, i think understanding panic in general can be a great aid. there is loads of stuff online. just type panic disorder or health anxiety or depression and read up on the condition rather than googling symptoms. There are loads of books at the library on all of these subjects. im sure if you look in your local library there are plenty on overcoming anxiety. i would make some online suggestions, but im not sure if im allowed to tell you sites to visit here. Personally I found self help to be the most useful of all the methods I have tried. If you go to www.youtube.com and look up EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) you will find loads of distraction techniques to prevent having a panic attack. It helped me cope when my mum passed away and might be beneficial for others to try. You may feel a little silly doing it but it works amazingly. In fact, im not sure but it may have been through using the EFT youtube demonstrations that I found this place. Im sure one of the administrators would be allowed to tell you where to look for the EFT sessions I used as they were almost definitely linked to this site....

31-05-09, 02:28
should i go and learn and take up course in psychology?

31-05-09, 08:56
should i go and learn and take up course in psychology?

no.... no need for that. just read some books on your own condition.

31-05-09, 14:22
thanks but do you realy thng by reading books i can be cured? will it helps? becos i feel like going crazy. has anybody here ever get cured?

31-05-09, 14:52
thanks but do you realy thng by reading books i can be cured? will it helps? becos i feel like going crazy. has anybody here ever get cured?

i overcame my social anxiety and depression by reading about them. I also managed to learn how to control my panic attacks. As a result, I havent had one in about 6 months. I used to have them about 2, 3 times a day. If you want to be able to manage your anxiety effectively, you will have to learn coping mechanisms. If you dont, you will have to rely on medication, which works for some. If you dont feel confident in helping yourself out of anxiety, why not see a counsellor?

31-05-09, 14:59
Any idea how to control being nervous and how to calm yourself when you're "on the spot" and heart starts beating wildly and you start sweating?

31-05-09, 23:40
Any idea how to control being nervous and how to calm yourself when you're "on the spot" and heart starts beating wildly and you start sweating?

Yes, you can control a panic attack by breathing using your diaphragm. This means breathing so your stomach goes in and out instead of your chest.

Breathe in through your nose for 7 seconds. Hold it. Breath out slowly through your mouth for 9 seconds. Breathing like this usuing your diaphragm instead of your chest prevents you from being able to hyperventilate... and in doing so prevents a panic attack.

Give it a go. I have been using this technique for about 7 years. I rarely get caught out these days. x

02-06-09, 15:56
thank you. there are so many helpful posts in this forum, i wish we had that "thank you" button that some forums have. :) I memorized what you said, I'll be doing this!

03-06-09, 06:55
do you know why is it hat i am always very very sleepy drowsy light heaeded and dizzy always, it just happen like that, i really hate the feeing of sleepy esp at the moment i am doing something, i am feeling very sleepy drowsy even i slept all day. and the worst is ijust forget where i am at that moment,my brain is just not in my head.,why is happening? can it be cured?

03-06-09, 18:22
Alba, now you have found out it is due to low iron, the doc will treat it accordingly and over time you will become your old symptomless self again. x