View Full Version : Panicking Again Lump Under Chin

28-05-09, 19:18
Today I noticed a sore bit under my chin near my jaw. I remeber noticing this about 2- 3 years ago which I forgot about (before I had HA worries). I started to prod around and notice that I have a lump there that is slightly sore. The lump is around 1cm to 2cm in size its hard to tell. I am omly 28 years ol but this is really worrying I need some help and advise I can get a doctors until next tuesday now. Please help



28-05-09, 20:05
Please I am really freaking out I need advise

28-05-09, 20:38
Does anyone know what it might be a lympth node maybe ??
Please can someone reply

28-05-09, 21:44
Check out posts by Kraggy. He has exactly the same. x

28-05-09, 22:49
Ello Ello,

I do indeed have a small lump under my chin, in the soft area. I think that it is a lymph node as many have said, they are located all over your body, And they are one of the biggest causes of fears for HA sufferers for sure.

But please, do not be worried especially if it has been there for such a long time, I have one on my neck, that has been there for years. and its probably the only node on my body that does NOT scare me, because I know its probably just wound-tissue, left behind from an earlier infection.

Just try to remain calm, your doctor will probably give you the good ol' "Nothing to worry about, you can become over a hundred with it!"

Kind regards,


29-05-09, 00:38
i have it too. found it the other day when checking my nodes in the grocery store line...LOL. really though, I have it to. This one is different than the ones on my neck b/c the one on my chin, under my jaw, hurts when I push it and the ones on my neck don't. Here is what I do....I touch litely to see if I can find them...if u can't it is not swollen :-) Good luck

29-05-09, 08:44
Thanks for your reply's they have really helped nice to know other people are going trhough the same thing. The strange thing is it has stopped being sore when i poke it. But i still can feel it. But only if i push down hard.
seem to spend my life either inspecting my mouth, neck and rest of my body. My main fear is problems with my mouth as i am a ex smoker.

I worked out today that in the last 6 months I have been to the doctors 4 times dentist 5 times and a consulatant once. Even though the dentist keeps telling me there is nothing wrong I keep worrying. I am only 28 years old and i want my old life back I never used to worry about my health it all started 6 months ago when i fould a lump in my mouth which turned out to be just a mmucus cyst. But ever since that i day I have had health anxiety problems.

29-05-09, 08:53

yep me to, i have a lump under my chin on my jaw to the left side, however i have mentioned this to my gp who said there is no swelling, 2 gps have felt my glands as i have been ill for some time turned out i had anaemia so my immune system wasnt so good, but neither could feel this lump so im reassured ive made it feel bigger than it can be!! but its still there and if i poke round enough its sore!

hope your okay


29-05-09, 09:37
Thanks jue67, that really helps as I can only feel it if I push really hard and its also on the left hand side. Its just my HA making me paranoid. I have a doctors appointment on tuesday to just make sure.

29-05-09, 16:27
Thanks jue67, that really helps as I can only feel it if I push really hard and its also on the left hand side. Its just my HA making me paranoid. I have a doctors appointment on tuesday to just make sure.

You know the touching lightly thing is a very good point, my dr did that when i was there before becuase she wanted to rule out anyserious things that cause big nodes, she just went around my neck very breifly and lightly in certain places and said there are no enlarged nodes there. Another GP did this before on my neck, she did it really subtly when i was there complaining about tightness in the the throat/neck, she just glanced her hand down the side of my neck, certainly didnt stop to really prod around and look closely for pea sized nodes!( not like i do on a daily basis!:blush: )
