View Full Version : Blocked eustachian tubes lead to anxiety

28-05-09, 19:29
hi,i'm new.
Back in march i went to bed and about 10 mins later i started feeling really off,the room was spinning and my ear hurt like mad.It was like this for weeks and at the same time i started getting anxiety,i have aches and pains,fears,depression,panic attacks in college.Send home from college because i feel scared beause i'm always dizzy and thinking i will faint which i never do.
Now i take nasal drops and starting today citalopram.

Has anyone ever had simlar problems

29-05-09, 00:56
my ears get messed up from my neti pot and yes,it makes me feel off. I was told it was vertigo and if you rub behind your ear it can help a great deal. i am also dizzy with aches and pains too. if you read the section here about symptoms, you will see there are lots from anxiety. And, if u think u have one that is not mentioned, look up top and search that one and I promise u...there is someone here right along with you. Good luck!

29-05-09, 20:58
Yeah i totally understand! i have had eustacian tube dysfunction since i had a virus in jan and it makes my anxiety a whole lot worse.......it also seems to have gotten worse as its hayfever season. Makes my head feel just so wierd and pressurised, constantly have to pop my ears and get really disorientated....plus i cant hear properly which is annoying!:doh:

Have started taking nose spray recently for it too, but its just been awful lat nite and today! Trying some menthol and eucalyptus steam inhaelation over the last couple of days which seems to be helping a little fingers crossed x

12-06-13, 21:40

I have had Eustachian tube issues too. Suffering from Sinusitis, every time an upper respiratory infection comes along, the "Ear Nightmare" begins. Then searching the net, I came across a homeopathic website. Where a doctor prescribed certain remedies that worked like magic. I will mention the same to you and others who might be interested in curing the Eustachian tube issues.

1. Mercurius Dulcis 30c Drops
Take 3-4 drops in half cup of water. Thrice a day on empty stomach
The herb helps reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes, enabling
the Eustachian tube back to its normal width, thus allowing

2. Kali Muraticum 6x, pallets (Pills) 3 pills, thrice a day om empty stomach
keep a gap of 30 minutes between medicine 1 & 2. This medicine helps
in thinning of the mucous and its easy drainage. Avoid Garlic during days
of treatment.

Other remedies that are use for Eustachian tube issues are:

1. Pulsatilla Nigricans 30c Drops.
These are especially good for mucous that has tendencies like glue, i.e.
for Glue ear syndrome.

2. Kali Sulphuricum 30 C, Drops
Good in Colds and upper respiratory infection that lead to ear problems.
Especially in early stages.

Deafness from congestion of the tympanic cavity, or with catarrh and swelling of Eustachian lining. Worse in a heated room, with a yellow, slimy coating on the tongue. Earache, with discharge of watery or yellow matter. Secretion of thin, bright-yellow, or greenish fluid after inflammation. (Thick, pus-like discharge, Calc. sulph.) Pain under the ear, sharp, cutting pain, tension, stitches and piercing below the mastoid process. Stinking otorrhoea. Polypoid excrescence closes the meatus.

Colds with yellow, slimy expectoration's, or discharge of watery matter. Patient feels generally worse in the evening or in a heated room. Decidedly yellow or yellowish-green discharges from the nose. After Ferr. phos. in colds, if the latter does not produce free perspiration and the skin remains dry. Old catarrh with yellowish, viscous secretion. Nose obstructed, together with yellowish discharge from the nares. Smell lost. Itching of nose.

3. Belladonna 30c Drops
Nightshade herb family. Very powerful medicine for when there is pain in
ear especially right-sided. Take 2-3 drops only in half cup of water.

Keep these remedies always handy for future cold and infections that might lead to Eustachian tube issues. Use German make homeopathy only. Believe me, this will work.

Good luck.


13-06-13, 11:11
This is the exact problem I've had ongoing since February/March. Keep going back to my GP with no progress, I've been given a steroid nasal spray, trying steam inhalation and sucking on boiled sweets, anything and everything! He basically said to me last week that my anxiety is what's causing it to not fix itself, and I said no it's the other way round.
I'm flying in a fortnight so really wanted fixing before then but apparently I've now left it too late to be referred to an ENT before I go on holiday, when I've been pushing for answers for over 3 months now! :(

16-06-13, 23:25
Coincidence or not; but when I had my second panic attack (and worst one, which triggered my anxiety) my ears started feeling weird the next day and they felt kinda blocked, I went to the ENT doctor and he said I have eustacian tube dysfunction. Two months later with treatment I'm feeling better about it but now since it's hay fever season i'm feeling it again. But you kinda start unoticing it after some time :)