View Full Version : Just found out i am pregnant and so scared

28-05-09, 20:02
Hi any advice would be fab!!!

am 6 weeks preg and really thinking
can i do this???
am i able to cope??

I ma so worried and feel so dizzy and faint all the time and dont want to get up or do anything/
is this the pregnacy or my anxiety.
any ideas??

28-05-09, 20:12
Hi Amz,
Firtst of all congratulations! Being pregnant is fantastic! Of course its scary and the first twelve weeks are very hard work. I felt dizzy and extremely tired all of the time. This passes and the middle trimester is lovely and you will start to bloom!
remember we are here, keep us posted! Try and enjoy your pregnancy its a very special time


28-05-09, 20:40
i felt alot of dizzyness, anxiety, etc, especially with my last preg. when i was pregnant with my oldest the doctor told me that you are most likely in good health when you become pregnant. your hormones are changing pretty fast especially in the beginning so i'm sure that coupled with your anxiety is making you feel pretty different, you'll get used to all the different feelings. just tell your doc if your anxiety gets too bad, for me i always had these feelings that i was about to throw up or pass out, and couldn't breathe when i was driving and sometimes late at night. it landed me in the docs office a few times and nothing was ever wrong with me, just anxiety. just try to enjoy it, plenty of wonderful things to think about so choose to focus on them. or think about something else entirely.

28-05-09, 21:22

oh hunny if i did so can you i didnt even know how to drive when i got prego but guess what i figured it out.

make sure you take good care of yourself and the dizzy feeling is normal!


28-05-09, 22:06
Did you wish to be pregnant/want to be pregnant or is it a total shock?

29-05-09, 10:33
Thankyou everyone. The pregnancy was a total shock... dont know if its a good thing or bad thing. having mixed emotions!!!!
is the dizzness and feeling faint normal.... I am 5/6weeks!!!!! i feel faint and hot all day for the past week. and as if i am going to pass out. its worse when i all on my own!!!!
please any advice?????

29-05-09, 10:59
Hi any advice would be fab!!!

am 6 weeks preg and really thinking
can i do this???
am i able to cope??

I ma so worried and feel so dizzy and faint all the time and dont want to get up or do anything/
is this the pregnacy or my anxiety.
any ideas??

Yes you can do it and Yes you can cope.

I felt terrible when I was pregnant dizziness, gastritis, nausea etc but at the end of the day it is all worth it.

29-05-09, 13:00
Obvious point but..If you wish to have a baby, congratulations and yes I'd imagine (although I havn't any children) you can cope.

If you have any doubts at all there are other options and plenty of specialised counsellors around. You have a choice to make, but you do have options.

02-06-09, 22:17
Hi Amz,

Congratulations, i'm sure you will cope. Try and enjoy.

I have 5 children, thinking of another. My fear is im 40 in a couple of weeks and I am VERY overwieght. So worried about the implications.

Enjoy your pregnancy. It will definately be worth it. Keep us posted.

PM if you want a chat.

Emma xx

03-06-09, 02:09
Thankyou everyone. The pregnancy was a total shock... dont know if its a good thing or bad thing. having mixed emotions!!!!
is the dizzness and feeling faint normal.... I am 5/6weeks!!!!! i feel faint and hot all day for the past week. and as if i am going to pass out. its worse when i all on my own!!!!
please any advice?????

Hey there I am now 24 weeks preg and on Zoloft.

You will be ok, just keep and eye on your anxiety levels and always tell your midwife how you feel.

Also this is my first bub and morning sickness does feel like anxiety symptoms sometimes... all normal

eat as well as you can, you will feel loads better about being pregnant as you progress.

I felt the same as you at first, take good care of yourself.

Pm me anytime.:hugs:

03-06-09, 22:17
Hi hun, congrats. i had a baby 10 months ago and can honstly say that when i was pregnant i felt tired etc but knew that for my body to be able to let another human be created inside me i must be ok. I never felt so relaxed, enjoy the pregnancy x x x

04-06-09, 12:36

I totally agree with Joyce and Charsey. I am 26 weeks pregnant, and believe me, what you are feeling is totally normal, but it does get better. It is normal to have mixed emotions even if you planned a pregnancy, so don't worry that you feel all over the place at the moment your body is going through massive changes. Try to remember that this is what your body is designed to do, so you will cope.

There is lots of positive support out there for pregnant mums to be who are scared and anxious. It is normal to be anxious when you are pregnant even if you had never had anxiety before. But as time goes on it gets easier, even fun!!!( can't believe I of all people said that!!!)

Take care and look after yourself, you need rest and pampering and you'll soon feel sooo much better, honest.

PS. This is not a life sentence to something awful, it's an exciting new chapter in your life. Seize it with both hands.