View Full Version : Anyone else ill frequently?

28-05-09, 20:13
Feeling a tad concerned about my stupid body and I am wondering what I can do to turn this around.

I am 30, 3 children, student nurse, wife...... I could go on, hehe. Life is rather hectic, I am a petite thing, 5ft and a size 6 so rather slim:blush: I have low ferritin (19), not anaemic though. My GP says I have alot on my plate so it is no wonder I get ill often especially working in the hospital.

Since christmas though I have had 4 sinus/nasal infections, I do have trouble with my sinuses though. I had 2 colds over 2 months during that time so GP said sinusitis is pretty common so not to worry. 3 weeks ago I had a sore throat all on right side and laryngitis, I didn't bother GP because I knew it was a virus so left it be, I had a slight cough afterwards but was well enough to return to work within a week. Yesterday my right side of throat felt lumpy/glandy again and I woke in the night with a sore ear and throat on that side. I took myself off to GP today and I have a throat infection which is causing the pain on the right side. He said not to worry about being ill again but I do wonder why my body cannot fight infections off.

I am on penicilin now, I have had 4 lots of amoxicillin between dec-march. I just don't seem to be able to fight things off on my own and I am frequently ill which is not good when you have a hectic lifestyle. I take vitamins and try to eat well, i have IBS which causes problems with me eating and trying to gain weight.

Does anyone else get unwell on a regular basis or is it just me and my useless body??:blush:

28-05-09, 20:32
Hi Aimee
I replied on your last thread. I have a low iron count too, also on thyroxine. I am a teacher and work in many different schools, full time and exhausted by my work. This is my first year in a new job/role and first year working full time so i think my immune system is a bit rocky at the moment. You are in hospital so will be in contact with bugs and need to build up resitance.
i hope you get better soon - I hope i feel better soon and this throat thing is just another throat infection/virus rather than anxiety returning yet again!

28-05-09, 20:39
Thanks Daisy.

Working with children is bound to make you ill often, I have 3 young children who bring home alsorts.

Get well soon too xxx

28-05-09, 20:47
i am pretty sure stress and anxiety take a toll on our immune systems. i have three kids too and i think i get sick more often than anybody else in the family.

28-05-09, 20:51
I seem to be ill often with viruses over the last year or so.

28-05-09, 20:56
Hi hun
Yes afraid im the same cant shake anything off for longer than a few weeks and it comes back again, plus im allergic to penicillin and quite a few antibiotics so mostly i have to fight it off myself. But its stress and axiety that wears down our immune system and leaves us open to infections like colds and flu's. I hope the warm weather gives us time to build ourselves up to enjoy the summer.
Take care hun and i wish you well.

28-05-09, 21:05
Thank you.

I think I am getting somewhere, didn't go to GP when I had laryngitis the other week, think it is gone then wham it hits me again after a week or 2, grrrrrr. Why won't my immune system work?

Hopefully the penicillin will kick in soon.


28-05-09, 21:05
Feeling a tad concerned about my stupid body and I am wondering what I can do to turn this around.

I am 30, 3 children, student nurse, wife...... I could go on, hehe. Life is rather hectic, I am a petite thing, 5ft and a size 6 so rather slim:blush: I have low ferritin (19), not anaemic though. My GP says I have alot on my plate so it is no wonder I get ill often especially working in the hospital.

Since christmas though I have had 4 sinus/nasal infections, I do have trouble with my sinuses though. I had 2 colds over 2 months during that time so GP said sinusitis is pretty common so not to worry. 3 weeks ago I had a sore throat all on right side and laryngitis, I didn't bother GP because I knew it was a virus so left it be, I had a slight cough afterwards but was well enough to return to work within a week. Yesterday my right side of throat felt lumpy/glandy again and I woke in the night with a sore ear and throat on that side. I took myself off to GP today and I have a throat infection which is causing the pain on the right side. He said not to worry about being ill again but I do wonder why my body cannot fight infections off.

I am on penicilin now, I have had 4 lots of amoxicillin between dec-march. I just don't seem to be able to fight things off on my own and I am frequently ill which is not good when you have a hectic lifestyle. I take vitamins and try to eat well, i have IBS which causes problems with me eating and trying to gain weight.

Does anyone else get unwell on a regular basis or is it just me and my useless body??:blush:

Hey Aimee .......... being the medical profession like you I can understand your situation. has your GP run blood labs on you. Chem 7 - CBC etc?

He uses the phrase "don't worry a lot" ... which it;s not good to worry too much as long as he's doing his job right.

Your chronic sinus issues could be just working around the hospital, or kid related or of course stress depression related by lower you ability to fight basic infections. I don't know, not a big believer. I have had 3 major colds in my life and one flu, was Paramedic for 20 years and have stress and anxiety too. But yeah having a full plate will knock your system down a bit. More rest, fluids and balanced diet will help. Vitamins are a joke IMO, but they work for some I guess.

The one thing I noticed in your post was this:

"is it just me and my useless body??"

Your body is useful, and very resourceful ...... it just needs some rest .... IBS is definitely a pain ..... and does effect the bowels directly and of course that's were a lot of our nutrients and immunity comes from .....

Hope you feel better.

28-05-09, 21:15

I had an FBC, Thyroid function, ferritin bloods run in March, a full lot done last November aswell. I have them frequently due to my ferritin being low. Not sure what chem7 - cbc means??

He tells me not to worry because the bloods are ok, he just says I have alot on my plate.

28-05-09, 21:32
Hi Aimee,

I too suffer with bad sinuses (but thank God i'm a Brummie and people think talking through you nose is normal:D ) and colds and viruses you name it i seem to pick it up. Its unfortunatley one of those things were just going to have to live with, have seen the doctors but they dont have the answers. I have decided not to worry as much about it and have put it down to anxiety and the constant worry about my health. Apparently i'm fit and healthy, eat well, run and excercise regularly, could it just be thats its all in our mind? I certainly would'nt want to be dismissive as i know how hard it is to keep repeatedly picking up colds and viruses, you do start to worry about your health.
It sounds like you are constantly on the go with your job and your children so perhaps it's little wonder that you should feel this way, so try and not let it get you down. Your body is just telling you to slow down a little and take it easy, listen to it and get some rest, put your feet up!

Rich x

28-05-09, 21:34
Thanks Rich, your reply has been helpful.

I thought about going back in tomorrow but yes you are right, maybe I do just need to rest up and get back there Monday when I am feeling much better. I think I went back to work too early the other week when I had it and the shift work has taken its toll on me abit.

28-05-09, 22:58
Hi Aimee
We all go back too soon when we are not fully recovered because we are conscientious and don't want to let people down. I went back too early too and it doesn't give your body time to recover, then you get hit with the next thing before you have gotten over the last one because you are vulnerable and resistence to bugs is low.

29-05-09, 00:33
Aimee- I have had 3 sinus infections, 1 that went to bronchotis (sp?) and phenomnia since Jan...and never had that before!
I just moved so I have had more sinus issues here than before but the climate at my new location is different so I chucked it up to that. I use my neti pot and that helps but lately my sinuses have been bleeding so I have backed down to once a day and lowering my allergy meds. I am a teacher so...that is part of it too. You work in a hospital....around sick people! Plus add a bit of anxiety...and there you have it...a nice cocktail for frequent crap! Good luck and dont worry about sinus stuff...lots of people suffer too and nothing is wrong with any of us.

29-05-09, 11:19
Feeling a tad concerned about my stupid body and I am wondering what I can do to turn this around.

I am 30, 3 children, student nurse, wife...... I could go on, hehe. Life is rather hectic, I am a petite thing, 5ft and a size 6 so rather slim:blush: I have low ferritin (19), not anaemic though. My GP says I have alot on my plate so it is no wonder I get ill often especially working in the hospital.

Since christmas though I have had 4 sinus/nasal infections, I do have trouble with my sinuses though. I had 2 colds over 2 months during that time so GP said sinusitis is pretty common so not to worry. 3 weeks ago I had a sore throat all on right side and laryngitis, I didn't bother GP because I knew it was a virus so left it be, I had a slight cough afterwards but was well enough to return to work within a week. Yesterday my right side of throat felt lumpy/glandy again and I woke in the night with a sore ear and throat on that side. I took myself off to GP today and I have a throat infection which is causing the pain on the right side. He said not to worry about being ill again but I do wonder why my body cannot fight infections off.

I am on penicilin now, I have had 4 lots of amoxicillin between dec-march. I just don't seem to be able to fight things off on my own and I am frequently ill which is not good when you have a hectic lifestyle. I take vitamins and try to eat well, i have IBS which causes problems with me eating and trying to gain weight.

Does anyone else get unwell on a regular basis or is it just me and my useless body??:blush:

Hay Aimee

It sounds to me like your dr is doing a very good job and is telling you not to worry becuase he can see that you are and its likely that he wouldnt even say it to a non anxious person who would be able to rationalise that although tiring and wearing , the viruses and infections are not a sign of anything underlying and not going to turn into a secondary prob - especially NOT meningitis sweetie!! just the way things are for you just now. ( and more than likely the whole thing is cause and effect stress making you pick things up more. I know for a fact that if i go near anyone with anything when i have a hangover that i will get it, always. I dont mean you drink too much :roflmao: i just mean that being tired and run down very much means you pickup stuff easily and there isnt a lot you can do about that when you have HA that wears you down. I think you ( and most of us here) just have to actually take charge of winding yourself down when possible and deliberately helping your body to relax and feel good. I think the key is accepting your symptoms as they are and not adding a new level of fear to them that is inappropariate and keeping the cycle going.
Stressed32 posted a really important article on the damaging effects of stress hormones on the immune system and that is biological fact as you will be learning about in your studies. I feel better for reading it i must say.

Also stressed32 pointed out to me before that bacterial infections like sinusitis can be caused by allergies very easily becuase the abundance of mucus caused by the allergies allows bacteria to becomes trapped in the sinuses causing infections. It sounds very much like what you are getting. I know you have thought about the allergy thing befpore and it sounds like you were maybe right with that. Sore throats too can happen repeatedly when you have the allergy thing going on. Apparently the stress hormones make you more prone to allergies you didnt have before also, and so does having kids , very much so!!

Please relax Aimee luv, your okay and your dr is doing his job well!


29-05-09, 20:17
Thanks Lisa,

I know I have so much on at the moment and being tired will make me more likely to pick up every bug going around the wards. The penicillin is actually kicking in already, I feel so much better today.

I think I need to get my ferritin up, it was quite low when they checked it 2 months ago.

Thanks again.