View Full Version : Someone help, having a really bad time - worried about MS

28-05-09, 20:19
I've been so good recently and have been getting on really well. But the last few days I've been worrying about MS as my legs have been feeling funny. And in the past hour or so I've been getting pins and needles in my arms, I don't know whether it's just because I'm thinking about it or what.

I'm really scared - could it be MS? I've got exams starting on Monday and I really do not need the worry of this but my mind just can't seem to help drifting whilst I'm trying to revise.

Please somebody help me, feeling awful and scared.

28-05-09, 20:28
Pins and needles can be a symptom of anxiety. As you have exams you are probably feeling a little anxious - try not to worry.

28-05-09, 20:44
you are probably getting anxious even though you aren't aware of it bacause of your exams or whatever else. i worry about MS alot, and have manifested many many symptoms. dont know if i have that or something else, but logically thinking, i have thought myself into several other serious illnesses over the past several years, nothing came of it so, hopefully this one will "go away" too. DO NOT research anything about any of this, or you will have every symptom that exists for the illness on your mind.

28-05-09, 20:51
I have to agree with nataliean - do not google symptoms! I too have had health anxiety for years and had a fatal illness on numerous occasions - still here and fine apart from a few coughs and colds - please try not to worry!

28-05-09, 22:40
Thank you for your replies. You're so right about the googling - but I already did it earlier today and since then it has got worse. I keep getting random pins and needles all over...I'm hoping it's my mind just going with what I've read and creating it. I'm just very, very worried about it and I don't want it to ruin my exams. Hate this health anxiety :(

28-05-09, 22:54
Health anxiety is the pits BUT just remember that it is all in your mind and the mind can do amazing things and create all sorts of symptoms DON'T (DON@T) listen to it. Try and focus on something else, something positive - don't look up any more on the Internet it is the worst (been there and got the t-shirt, jumper and jacket for that one).
It won't ruin the exams, just focus on those.

28-05-09, 23:11

do not worry that happends to me all the time!!! i have to take out a wisdom tooth tomorrow and since im so scared of the dentist i start getting panic and extreme anxiety and i feel pins and needles everywhere.

like 5 months ago i got a really nasty pain in my chest like pressure and i swear i thought i was having a heart attack well after googling which should not be done i thought i had lung cancer for a while i would cry myself to sleep for months and ive smoked for 8 years i just recently quit a month ago =) well the point is as soon as i started thinking i had a brain tumer all the chest pains went away. its all in our heads i completely understand i think we all need to look out for eachother because noone understands us like we do. everyone i know including my husband think im crazy and looking for attention when really i would give anything to be normal!!

hope you feel better :winks:

29-05-09, 00:26
Hi luchipoo......remember when u worried about HIV until a test? Same thing here sweetie. U do not have MS or your doctors would have found it. U have anxiety and it is VERY scarey b/c we think...wow all these things can't be from anxiety...but they are. Good luck and hugs sweetie....trust me when I say in time...u get used to it all and healing does begin.

29-05-09, 09:58
But I'm really worried that I might have had it for ages, but no-one has found out about it. Like I've read about people having already had it for 2 years but it's just found by coincidence when doctors are looking for something else. Really worried this is what is going to happen to me. I woke up this morning and had pins and needles in both my arms and hands :( I'm really, really worried. Sorry to go on.

29-05-09, 12:33
I was just posting a reply to someone who said the very same thing....."but I read about........" I think we do too much reading and thinking and get ourselves into a "what if" h***!!! Sweetie, you know you are ok. What you have is anxiety and if you keep letting it do this to you......your body will continue to respond. I am so sorry your going through this :-( Have you called your Dr and expressed your concerns? Also, just FYI, I get pins and needles in my hands and feet and I dont have MS...guess what causes it???????? You guessed it anxiety...search the forums for it and you will see others who posted the same thing. Good luck!

29-05-09, 15:59
I haven't spoken to my doctor because I think she is pretty fed up with me!

I just keep thinking about when I first started getting anxious, I used to get pins and needles in my head, my face, absolutely everywhere and ended up going to hospital a few times because of it. Maybe this was the first sign of it and then I got better, pins and needles went away, and now I'm having a relapse or something. When I write this down, it sounds silly.

How can I be sure that what I actually experienced before was anxiety? I did used to get a racing heart, really fast breathing etc etc but it was mostly because of the pins and needles and that I didn't know what they were and I was convinced I had some sort of brain tumour or something like that. Oh I'm so fed up, I was there was a test that could test for everything and then you could just get on with life.

30-05-09, 08:29
Please does anybody else have any advice. I'm so worried.

30-05-09, 12:55
Have you seen this thread?


I wrote it for another forum I'm on. It has been posted here as well but be damned if I could find it.

30-05-09, 16:46
Thank you itoldyouiwasill - that was really helpful. I'm still quite worried though! I keep getting this weird twitching in my hamstring. I'm convinced it's ms. Feel so horrible.