View Full Version : i dont know why the hell i google

28-05-09, 21:17
Hello Everyone!!

So i posted a couple of days ago letting everyone know that i have to take out my wisdom tooth... which is tomorrow :weep: i am freaking out man!!! i have always been deathly scared of the dentist because mine is an Ahole and i cant afford no place else.. BTW im taking it out with local anesthesia
NOTHING ELSE... and it is partially erupted. i am so scared because i have had a very long lasting infection that did not seem to go anywhere and i am finally feeling a lot better. i dont have pain anymore and i can eat again but i still have a little swelling in the inside he said it was fine... NOW my worry is that i feel everything go into shock and have a massive heart attack! i know that sounds pretty crazy but i cant help it im a hypochondriac with extreme health anxiety. i dont know if anyone here has been through this but please if anyone has tell me because i am crying and screaming and hugging my son because i fear i might not see him again after tomorrow!!!

i googled heart attck and guess what happends THATS RIGHT i start to feel like im next in the dental chair!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

Has anyone ever taken out a tooth that has had a little swelling with local?????????? :weep:

28-05-09, 21:57
I had all of my wisdom teeth out not so long ago under general anaesthetic. I actually almost died when they started putting the thing in my hand - so much so that they had to give me a pre-med so I calmed down. I was really scared that I wasn't going to wake up or I was going to still be awake and feel everything they were doing but not be able to say anything (you know, like in the film "Awake" with Jessica Alba!!) You will have a few needles in your mouth and trust me, they will make sure you won't be able to feel anything. And if you can, all you have to do is tell them, and they'll give you more medication. You won't have a heart attack, why would you?? Dentists do this every day...don't worry about it! xx

28-05-09, 23:53
the nurses do a good job of making sure your calm and talkin you through it. after they give you the meds they usually ask you to count backwards. as you do, you'll feel really really great right before you fall asleep. your not fighting it because at that moment sleep just feels like all you want. and when you wake up, you will probably just want them to let you go back to sleep, but they talk to you and make you stay awake, that's honestly the worst part because you are sooooo tired. then as long as you follow the instructions and only eat/drink what you are supposed to and DO NOT smoke, you'll be good as new very soon. good luck.

28-05-09, 23:57
nataliean that sounds great except im not going under LOL thats why im so scared. i cant afford going under =(

29-05-09, 00:40
I had a tooth out on local, totally conscience of it all, it didn't hurt but because of the way the tooth was shaped (it was dead and the root was J shaped) there was an unpleasant scraping when it was being pulled out. That was about it, it hurt like a euphemism afterwards but only for about an hour...and it was probably my own fault for wanting to try and eat a sausage roll.

Don't worry hun you will be fine, the more you worry over it the more it'll detriment the recovery process, just get it over and done with x.

29-05-09, 04:39
I had 3 teeth taken out with local and one of them did have swelling. It took 2 minutes and I felt nothing. Wisdom tooth can take longer if it's partially impacted. Someone already mentioned this but worth emphasizing, if you are a smoker, whatever you do, don't smoke no matter what, no matter how much you want a cigarette. You don't want a condition called dry socket and they will tell you all this...leave that area alone, get applesauce, ice cream, don't spit when you rinse, NO straws when you drink, no sucking motion with your mouth. Good luck...post afterwards, ok? Healing hugs to you!!!

29-05-09, 09:39
I have had 2 of my wisdom teeth took out with just a local and felt no pain at all less painful than having a filling. All you feel is just a bit of pressure and it is all over wiwthin a minute or so. Dont worry you will be fine

29-05-09, 12:39
ok so today is the day :weep:

thanks for all the good advice. i really hope i dont feel anything. the thing is that i googled and heard that local does not work if your nervous and if you have infection so now im thinking that its not gonna work GRRRRR

i really am hoping and wishing and praying that it goes fast and painless!!!

BTW i did smoke for 8 years and i quit a month ago :yesyes:

29-05-09, 12:48
Hope all goes well at the dentist for you.

A BIG well done on the quitting smoking, i have recently tried and i just can't do it. I have cut down to a quater of what i did smoke so still slightly proud of myself.

Please try not to google, i used to do that and all it did was make my anxiety worse......wish they never had the thing:blush: