View Full Version : Shakes when waking up

28-05-09, 22:53
For the past three weeks ive noticed that when i wake up off and on during the night, my whole body shakes. I dont know if its internally or if someone could actually see it or even feel it if they were to be in the same bed. One night i woke up and thought for a second someone was shaking my bed. I have noticed also that my heart is slightly faster and harder when this happens, like with every beat, my body shakes?

28-05-09, 23:16

I used to get this. I was told that the shakes were excess adrenalin and they would go away. I find that when I am asleep I have no control over my mind, I cannot distract myself and so my mind works overtime and triggers allsorts of symptoms which wake me and they are very disturbing. The good news is that they have nearly all gone now.

They will go.


28-05-09, 23:39
i get something similar, but its not shakes, its like i jerk around, or my jaw will feel like it jerks a little. i think i read that its pretty common in your sleep, and the adrenaline makes a lot of sense because when we have anxiety we get alot of extra adrenaline that shoots through our bodies and makes it act funny.

28-05-09, 23:50
Happens to me all the time as well particularly when I'm really stressed (like now with exams). It often wakes me up as well but I've found relaxation cds before bed help and when they happen just do the usual routine-try not to worry too much about it and deeps breaths.

29-05-09, 00:18
Happened to me when my anxiety was at its worse! This was very common in the morning...around 4...then I would struggle to fall back asleep and when I did...I wake up throwing up clear stuff. Anxiety sucks! It does terrible things to your body. FUnny things is...I have NO idea what really set it off or even made it go away???

29-05-09, 11:02
I have had internal shakes now for over a month, day and night. Check my other posts about vibrations etc... doc says its anxiety. Even though Im not anxious. Dont have any answers for you as Im still looking myself, but check my posts, they may just give you reassurance you are not alone x

29-05-09, 11:25
Wow its so great to know its pretty common and im not alone. Thanks everyone for your replies, this site is an absolute god send:D

xfime, yes i'll definitely check your other posts:hugs: