View Full Version : How do you swollen nodes feel..?

29-05-09, 00:32
So im a bit worried about my nodes...Yes again.. *Sigh*

anyways, my main worry nowis how they feel, they feel slightly hard, but not rock hard, more rubbery. They are a bit un-even, not perfectly round or oval. They really scare me alot, especially since they do not hurt at all, and I heard that is a bad sign...I can move then around quite a bit to, majority of mine are on my jaw line, one behind my ear, and one in my right arm-pit...

I would love to hear some info on how they feel for other people here, and hopefully people will tell me they are normal when they feel like mine do

29-05-09, 01:17
Mine are exactly like this! I have 1 on my jaw line, 2 under my chin, 2 on my right side under my ear and 1 under my left ear. I have not found the ones under my arms or in my groin area. Never knew where the ones in my neck were until I felt swollen ones...good thing: I know mine are NOT swollen, bad thing: now I know where they are so I check them All the time!
Mine move, are kinda hard but not like a bone, don't seem perfect in shape and they are all different sizes. They also swell and shrink daily. Hope this helps you...I think we have always had them but HA makes us obsess over them. For me, HIV fears made me start looking for them.

29-05-09, 10:10

check that post, it makes me feel a whole lot better knowing everyone can feel there nodes

i can feel 1 either side of my neck about an inch from the base of the neck both around 1cm, one is firmer and moves less than the other but not hard, the other is very squidgy

what size are yours kraggy??

and out of interest why do you check them? for example i do as my main fear is lymphoma

seems me n you have the same obession lol

29-05-09, 10:49
Hi Stressed32 hun, this reply is more for kraggy and little Mac, its just to say that my grandmother has Lymphoma and her nodes were absoloutely huge. There was absolutley no messing about or confusing them as not being a problem. Her blood results showed up the problem immediately and her dr told her that this was very much ususally the way this problem manifests.

When i first developed my HA i worried about Lymphoma too becuase of her and becuase of nodes and apparent wieghtloss that I had. I was so obsessed and anxious that i couldnt see the variation between having palpable ( okay thats google talk!!) nodes that I could feel and nodes that were enlarged due to lymphoma or any other cancer. I went to many different GPs and my practise and they all said the same thing ' shotty nodes' from old infections or viruses, may never go away. Because i went on about it so much they repeatedly explained to me that there was no mistaking problem nodes , especially lymphoma or Hodgkins disease becuase of either a) the appearance of the node or and b) the results of blood tests which are almost always very obvious raises in white counts, she said very obvious raises, and dr dont and cannot afford to exagerate things either up or down.

They said 'shotty' nodes feel rubbery and some move, some are stuck deep in muscle and wont move as much.

It sounds from your desciptions and from what tests and examinations that you have had , yours are totally normal and just as harmless as those that are in the neck of a person who is healthy and has no health worries .

I know though once the seed is planted its so hard to stop it growing. But really for me it was purely a perception and interpretation problem of having too much information and not enough knowledge to know how to put it in context and also a massive tendancy to take things out of context due to being over anxious and making everything into a catastrophe without any question.

HA sucks!!!

Hope your bothgood today


29-05-09, 11:03
thanks for the reply lisalisa

in one of my other posts i mentioned my blood was out one week the overall white cell count was 11000 mostly neutrophils after a week of antibiotics they were still marginally out - eosinophils and mcv the were out by like 0.08 or around that figure

but the doctor was not concerned so maybe i shouldnt be?

where your grandmothers blood very very out of wack?

29-05-09, 13:25

They were totally wacky apparently without a doubt that there was i big problem, dr knew straight away.

My GP told me when i was so worried the exact same thing - no problem atall in seeing this problem from blood results.

I might be wrong but are the raised esophills or however thay are called not just to do with allergies?

Not sure but i suppose your doctor would probably consider that things like minor allergic reactions are not really anything to write home about.

Sounds like you are totally fine


29-05-09, 13:57
most likely allergies but on patient.co.uk it also states high eosinophils can be caused by lymphomas


thats what makes me worry.......

29-05-09, 14:42
Thank you all for your posts, the lymph nodes seem to have shrunk a fair bit since yesterday evening. I've also been to the doctor today, he did not feel my nodes though, I did request him to check my ears, since i've been having some slight stings in them. but he said all looked great...The nodes are still a bit scary, but not to the point that I cannot cope with them.

As for why I feel them, my main fear is cancer, any type. Im afraid that they're somekind of spread-out cancer (Since they dont hurt and feel rubbery & slightly irregular)...But yeah, I guess I should just try to relax a bit, thank you all very much.

Kind regardsn

kraggy :bighug1:

29-05-09, 15:36
most likely allergies but on patient.co.uk it also states high eosinophils can be caused by lymphomas


thats what makes me worry.......

Im not going to the page because it will probably cause me to think i have hiv again im sure! Does the page say anything though about other types of white cells and Lymphoma?

I mean does it say that there wouldbe raises in other types of white cells too?


29-05-09, 15:41
Okay i looked coudlnt helpmyself!!

It says mainly adrenal insufficiency from what I can read and so i think that means more to do with chronic stress than lymphoma. It also said infectious stuff too more than lymphoma and i think probably there will be varying degrees of normal too with counts like that.

ps may i say my stomach totally lurched when i started reading the page, im not supposed to read that stuff anymore!! and neither should you really its not for us to read, we just dont have the knowledge to deal with stuff like that, your dr knows best for sure!!

29-05-09, 19:45
I am not embarrassed to tell you that I have every medical test and bloodwork that I have ever had in my adult life. It's all in a file. I can't tell you how many times I ahve looked at the breakdown of the white cells (differential) and looked up every type, neutophils and everything else and have convinced myself that I had every disease under the sun. Worked myself into a tizzy.

I don't do this anymore. Even if something is out of range, I trust that the doctor went over it and combined with my symptoms, knows that if it's elevated or under, what it signifies or doesn't.

Kraggy, I know that your lymph glands are your focus but I wish I could find a way to tell you to stop thinking about them. I never felt mine since I had mono and then I was 14 years old. Try to think of them as you would think of your pinky or something that you never think about, something that's "just there". I feel badly for you that you have to think about this so much...I don't know your age and I guess it doesn't matter but there is so much to life and it's terrible to obsess about cancer if you have no reason to fear it. Have you read the books we talk about or seen a therapist. I think some good cognitive therapy would really help. Or just start with one of the books. I am glad you got it checked out and I hope so much that you can move on now, think about why you think you have cancer, try to come up with a reason and try to use some good logic and climb your way out of this web of fear. xoox