View Full Version : Pain in Upper Right Side - Gas?

29-05-09, 00:41
I ate a lot of greasy foods 2 nights ago and wound up in the bathroom in the middle of the night with bad diarrhea and cramps. I have had a lot of gas (both ends) since. I have been careful with eating since, just the anti-diarrhea diet but I still have pains on and off by my right rib cage about an inch below where my bra band would be. I already had my gall bladder out so it's not that. Does anyone else get gas pains after diarrhea in that spot? The ribs feel tender also all the way to the right (near where the side of my body is).

29-05-09, 00:46
If you want to try and relieve it, try some gas relieving techniques from yoga, they really really do help.

I find if I lye on my back and bring up one bent leg at a time to my chin it helps. Ignore any sound effects, though it should mean it's working. You can look up other ones on google x.

29-05-09, 01:12
Hi Lauren- I get it sometimes like it hurts to breath. Try some GasX chewable tabs..they help me a lot. it could also be a little indegestion mixed in. If it keeps up...try prilosec but that takes a day or two to work. I am sure u are fine :-) Stop eating all that YUMMY food!!! LOL...I say to my friends....I walk and exercise so I can EAT :)