View Full Version : Do you live alone?

Deepest Blue
29-05-09, 01:28
I was just wondering how many people here live alone and if it affects your anxiety or does it actually help it?

I live alone and I hate it with a passion and it has certainly contributed to making things worse for me even though I initially thought the freedom would help but not having anybody to talk to for long periods actually makes me panic even more :unsure:

29-05-09, 01:36
I am Yes but does not affect me really. I've lived alone for so long that thinking about living with someone actually makes my anxiety worse!!:scared15: :scared15: I wouldn't be able to talk to myself:shades: :shades: or get up when I want:shades: :shades: or get a meal when I want:scared15: :noangel: etc etc etc:D :D


29-05-09, 01:40
I live alone ..... now, and in past years when I was single I lived alone for 3-4 years at a stretch ...... and LOVED every minute of it.

Now with some anxiety I still like living alone, but I also like companionship as in a partner, I could not live with a roommate, NEED privacy .......

However when I get spacey ... I don't like being alone, but I muddle through ... lot's of online friends ...... and HGTV lol

29-05-09, 01:45
I live with my mum, who is out for a majority of the time, and I get to pot around the house and talk to myself when everyone is out, but equally, I get a lot of support when my family are around. I did however, get anxiety attacks over 'something happening to me' when no one was around to help, which is why I opted for being in public rather than being alone in the house when my anxiety was at its worse. I've even contemplated phoning 999 at 4 in the morning when I was in hysterics when no one was around.

I think depending on how you're feeling, and who you are you can benefit and not benefit from either.

Deepest Blue
29-05-09, 03:07
Already some very good points made and I do actually appreciate the freedom I have. When I got the place I am in 5 years ago, I lived alone for 3 of them, then I met someone who moved in with me for almost a year and now back to being on my own again since Jan it feels very strange. I do miss the company and with someone who actually understood what we're going through so it was easy to talk to them and open about those feelings because I can't really do that with any of my friends and most of my family.

29-05-09, 16:30
i live alone, have done for the last 7 years.. I think some1 has mentioned it here earlier but I wouldnt want to 'share' with some1 besides this place aintbig enough for more than 1...but on the flip side it would be great to meet a girl and settle down one day...still I can dream cant I...

30-05-09, 12:57
I split with my partner of five years back in Feb and now live alone, i hated it, but now im getrting used to it and find that the space and freedom i have has really helped, along with cbt (best thing ever ) . im now seeing my partner again and to be honest im enjoying that but will not move back with her because im sure my anxiety will go worse again and we both like the independance it gives us.

31-05-09, 05:14
I'm married but my husband works away. He could be away for two days, one week or four to six weeks at a time. Added it up in months and probably seven months over the year he is away. I didn't mind it at all until January this year when my severe anxiety and panic attacks arrived after 11 years of nothing. Now I dread it when he has to go away as at the moment he is my rock. He left this afternoon for four days and I'm in stressing already. I really hate night time by myself.

magpie girl
03-06-09, 20:34
I loved living alone,untill my first panic attack.After 6months of anxiety my partner had to move in with me,as the thought of being alone made the anxiety alot worse.Its a good job he agreed,as i was all for dragging a stranger in just to keep me company lol

Deepest Blue
03-06-09, 20:38
I loved living alone,untill my first panic attack.After 6months of anxiety my partner had to move in with me,as the thought of being alone made the anxiety alot worse.Its a good job he agreed,as i was all for dragging a stranger in just to keep me company lol

I know how you feel, it's really horrible....:weep:

04-06-09, 00:25
uh I live with my mum but somethimes I get really scared when she is at work!
most days I'm ok but I have had very very bad days where I get paranoid someone will break in!
somethimes at night too I get scared.
but I am better at letting the fear go but If I'm this bad at home how woould I ever manage if I moved out!

04-06-09, 10:07
Yes, I've lived alone for the past five months and I find it makes things easier. I was very anxious about living with others and found myself putting pressure on myself to be the perfect housemate and minimise my impact on them. I now live round the corner from my sister and her family so I can see them anytime, and I have friends, so I just have to make sure I don't isolate myself.

When I moved into my own place it was like a weight lifted off me. I can only see myself living with someone else now if I get into a serious relationship.