View Full Version : ALS, MND anyone?

29-05-09, 01:53
i am going through this fear,(ALS, MND)and it is by far the worst health anxiety i have ever had. i seem to have many symptoms of this disease, most appeared after reading way too much about it. has anyone been through this fear and what symptoms did you have and how did you get over it? i am only 27 F so i know its pretty unrealistic to let this one get to me.

29-05-09, 02:01
also, what symptoms led you to google it ,and then what symtoms came shortly after learning more about it....how long did you end up letting go of the fear and convincing yourself that you did not have it?

29-05-09, 05:46
There is a really good book called "It isn't all in your head" about HA. The author uses the simple example of telling someone he is talking to that he saw a spider right behind them when there wasn't really a spider there at all. When the person goes to look for the spider, it is nowhere to be found on the ground or anywhere else. The conversation continues and like clockwork, the person begins to think that there is a spider crawling up there leg or on their back. This just shows how easily influenced we all are. I don't doubt at all that you have physical symptoms and I completely understand what you are going through but assure you that you don't have either disease and that your body is simply responding to your anxiety and google. I have convinced myself of just about every terrible illness one can imagine and I completely felt each symptom and I am sure that in the next few weeks I will be posting on this board another fear. Please don't google any symptom. Please know that we are all here for you and please feel free to post anything you wish cuz we only have each other in this fight because most people just don't get what we are going through. Good Luck

29-05-09, 05:56
thankyou for your reply, and yes i am certainly tired of annoying my friends and family that are "sure i am fine" about these problems. if the our mindful anxiety is so capable of making us have all of these horrifying symptoms, what part of our brain can we use to make them go away? i just ordered that book you are talking about yesterday, hope it gets here soon. till then i will stay on here to keep myself from losing it.

29-05-09, 17:20
I am glad you ordered the book. It is a good book but no silver bullet that fixes everything. I still post on this board with my fears but the book at least helps and gives you some basic relaxation exercises. There are lots of books out there that are good, I just like this one the best. good luck to us all.


29-05-09, 18:34
yes, the barnes and nobles book store around here had NO books about HA. i was so mad because i was really freaking out and wanted to read something to get my head straight right away. so i ordered that one and a few more. praying that they get here soon and trying to keep my mind off of it. at this point i do my normal exersize routine every morning (its not very intense) and it gives me a little reassurance that i am not falling apart.