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View Full Version : To all my fellow HIV HA friends....

29-05-09, 02:17
Hi guys, I jut wanted all of you to know that I am greatful you all are here! What a wonderful place for us to know that we are not crazy and we are not alone! I wanted to share this with you all...

To those of you who swear your symptoms MUST BE HIV/AIDS related...read this....I cut-n-pasted for you all so u could stay off of google...here u go:

Chronic anxiety, panic, stress and depression have been shown to compromise health, damage immune function, and result in symptoms identical to HIV/AIDS. Mental stress provokes production of the hormone cortisol; excessive cortisol causes rapid and dramatic reductions in T cells, a condition known as lymphocytopenia. Within minutes, stress induces cortisol levels to increase as much as 20-fold. High levels of cortisol can eventually cause what medical texts describe as "significant atrophy of all the lymphoid tissue throughout the body" which may lead to "fulminating infection and death from diseases that would otherwise not be lethal."

A profound fear of HIV/AIDS is enough to cause even people who repeatedly test HIV negative to develop physical symptoms of HIV/AIDS. Termed "HIV/AIDS-phobia," this condition is characterized by weight loss, wasting, reduced T cell counts and other signs considered indicative of HIV/AIDS, and typically follows intimate contact with people who sufferers believe may be HIV positive.

Beliefs and expectations are well-known to manifest in the physical body. The life-altering influence of beliefs was detailed dramatically in 1942 by Dr. Walter B. Cannon in his accounts of a phenomenon he called "voodoo death," a form of capital punishment practiced among certain Aboriginal tribes. Cannon reported that shaman, tribal medical authorities thought to possess special powers, were able to kill errant tribe members by simply pointing at them with a bone. Convinced of the shaman's ability to invoke a lethal curse, the people pointed at died within a matter of hours or days.

In modern medicine, the power of expectation is a commonly accepted fact known as the "placebo effect." Placebos are inert chemical substances disguised as active preparations and given to patients in place of drugs. The health benefits gained from a placebo occur because the person taking it expects a positive effect. Since the benefits of any drug may be due in part to this placebo effect, most new drugs are tested against a placebo preparation.

A recent study conducted at the University of Toronto demonstrated the profound physiological effects of expectation with regard to placebos. Researchers found that cardiac patients who strictly adhered to a placebo treatment regimen lived longer than patients who did not take their placebo regularly. In summarizing the study, lead researcher Dr. Paul Dorian noted, "What you believe has an important influence on your outcome."

I know that was long...but I hope that you all can see that some of this stuff is ALL IN OUR HEADS!!! Just like women who have pregnancy symptoms...including a + test...from convincing themselves they are pregnant when they aren't. The point is...the mind is a powerful thing...will anxiety be your minds fuel or will reality? Think about it? Hugs to all of you cause HIV anxiety SUCKS!!!!! Wait...anxiety sucks whether it is HA or not!!!

29-05-09, 06:51
Thanks 4 this hun, woke up again this morning filled with dread and convinced my neg test from 2 days ago ( 8 months after possible exposure) was wrong how do we get it out of our head?!?

I'm in the position where to be honest I never want a relationship at all again, I also read about someone who it took a year to show positive cos she was infected with hep c at the same time :-(


29-05-09, 12:28
Hi GK- I think part of the probelm with us HA suffers is that we think and read too much :-) That makes us "what if" crap to death! This is the reason why googling is so bad for us....we find 1 thing that confirms our worst fears....in your case

" I also read about someone who it took a year to show positive cos she was infected with hep c at the same time :-("

and we are back at square 1. Rmember this....regardless of what you read about this 1 girl (how do you know what you read is even accurate or reliable info?) they can't afford to get HIV tests wrong. They are VERY sensitive. So much so that your chances of getting a false + are WAY WAY higher than ever getting a false -. Good luck and remember.....mind over matter...what will fuel your mind...anxiety or reality?

Reality: you don't have HIV
Anxiety: maybe something was wrong with your test but they get the others all correct :-)

29-05-09, 13:00
I totally know this is true, as I suffered from HIV HA for 5 years about 13 years ago. I had ALL the symptoms, plus weight loss. The truth is, my mind had convinced my body that I had not just HIV, but full blow AIDS.

Since then, I have met a woman who has become one of my dearest friends. She contracted HIV 19 years ago, and while she has to take a lot of pills every day, she's living, and living well. Its still a devastating illness and of course we should do everything in our power to take all precautions against getting it, but its no longer the death sentence it once was.

I feel for all of you who worry about it, because I've been there. I want to just tell you over and over again not to worry, but I guess we all have to get to that place in our own way in our own time.

30-05-09, 21:50
Thank you girls..you don´t even know how much this is helping me. I´ve HA biiiiiig time and now it´s HIV HA...And then - the whole testing procedure here in Germany. I asked for an apt via email and the lady wants me to call her again on Monday in order to get the apt and it´s all just dragging...why are they stressing ppl like this?