View Full Version : hello

29-05-09, 09:59
hello everyone
Just thought I would introduce myself but only as a pseudo name 'lifes'. Im a professional woman who throughout my life have suffered with bouts of depression often brought on for the smallest of reasons which often centre around feelings of being 'let down' by others. I know this stems from childhood. I am also a perfectionist and do worry too much about what others think. I kind of judge myself by that - even though deep down I know it doesnt matter a jot. I get very anxious so, much I cannot think through even the simplest of problems and also feel physically unwell during these times to a point I have to go to bed for a day or, so.

I have been on citalopram 'this time around' for about 8 months and feel so much more better and in control of my emotions but I am having terrible side effects which come and go especially dizziness, mind blanks and feelings at times of having a hangover. I also have to be careful what time of day i take this drug if its at night I cant sleep at all !
I do feel much more positive about things but concerned about coming off the drug incase this feeling of wellness disapears too. I have tried to cut down the drug myself ( DONT is my opinion -ask your GP) and have felt so unwell physically. it scared me so much that i am now back on full dose. I am glad I took the drug but feel ready to leave it behind just wondered how others are managing?

Anyway thats a little about me


29-05-09, 11:03
Hi there

I joined a few days ago and I can also relate to the 'childhood' bit ......most of my anxiety coming from an overprotective and controlling mother.

Anyway welcome .... what a beautiful day it is and plenty more for the weekend

C :D

29-05-09, 18:53
Hello and Welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding here glad you found the site ,in the Forum you will find other members advice and experiences on citalopram , and you can make a post for other members advice too , your not alone , take care,:welcome: d x

29-05-09, 18:54

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good support and advice on here.

Take care
