View Full Version : Another worry cancer or piles?

29-05-09, 11:02
Hi there, I have yet another worry today. I have had trouble with piles since last year, get constipated and have some bleeding and pain there. I had the doctor examine me last september as I was worried and she said they were piles. Have had then come and go since then, often come back with the constipation. The last day I have had strange twinges of mild pain down there. Not lasting just spasms and I am really worried about anal or rectal cancer. How do I know if this is something more serious? I saw my doctor the other day and mentioned the bleeding and soreness and she didn't examine me again but said it was just piles and not to worry. How do I know she is right? Does anyone have any advice, I am really getting panicky, thinking I am going to be in terrible pain soon and then they will discover a tumour! Help please!!

29-05-09, 12:53
Hi There

Please try not to worry too much, if your doctor thought it serious he really would send you to the hospital.

This may put your mind at rest, i get constipated all the time, i started bleeding all the time whilst trying to go to the toilet, and i had pain just like you described, i went to docs and instead of piles which is what i thought it was it turned out to be a fiisure, a tear which i had caused through straining. I was given cream for a while and when that proved ineffective i had a little op, only took 5 mins and out and back home within an hour, so please listen to your doc and try not to let your imagination run away with you.

Good luck:)

29-05-09, 16:59
Thanks Nanny, that really does help. I am tempted to even have an op if it will rid me of this damn problem, its so annoying and tedious! Was it painful after? Did you have a general or local?

29-05-09, 18:02
Glad i have helped a bit, it was a general but i was out only for about 20 mins.
I had to have an injection up inside my bottom which relaxed a nerve and stopped all the pain and problem.

Afterwards i felt no pain and wouldn't have known i had it done. Since then it hasn't returned and i have been ok.:)

29-05-09, 18:40
i have been to the emergency room because i had some blood and also had this wierd twitch going on in my stomach for a few days. when i told the doc, he was really not concerned at all about the blood. i guess if its just very occasional it can be a number of unharmful things that cause it. i am still in my 20's so he probably thought it was nothing serious. he did do an abdominal CT because i have had a hernia surgery and he wanted to make sure that the wierd feeling in my stomach wasn't connected to that. as usual, the tests (including the bloodwork) came back normal, except for he said i was having some nutritional things show up in my blood (something about the size of my cells) , and recommended that i pump up my vitamin intake.