View Full Version : Felt so strange

31-08-05, 15:33
Hi Everyone

I have been doing really well since having mentoring with No Panic my mentor was so pleasedwith me on Tuesday, I had acheived nearly every day for 8 days which is brilliant for me. Then today had a very busy morning sweating buckets as its so hot, but felt a bit odd about going out when my daughter come lunchtime, but off I wentthought I will be fine when we get going, but wasnt come over so weird tried to go with it and distract myself but no it got worse and panic set in, but all I had was this awful feeling that I would die no other symptoms at all it didnt feel like unreality as Iused to get that a lot. I wondered if it was the heat (its very hot and muggy here and it makes me feel claustrophobic. Has anyone else had anything like it? Very scarey.

Barb xxxx

31-08-05, 16:20
Firstly many congratulations with your mentoring going so well... Thats brilliant

Yes it is quite likely its weather related..also the sunlight is wierd when its muggy and the world doesn't look normal.

Tomorrow is another day


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-08-05, 16:37
hi and well done! i think it is the weather too as here it is very clammy but windy too and the clamyness makes me feel as if im suffocating and the wind is making me out of breath, all day whilst out i have struggled to breath, i think the weather has alot to do with how we feel.xxx.


31-08-05, 16:42
Yes, I would go along with the weather thing as well! Is so hot and humid but gone all cloudy as well.

Try and just sit down and take things easy for the rest of the day. It took me the best part of an hour to do a small pile of ironing this afternoon. I kept going outside to try and get some air!

Kate x

31-08-05, 16:51
Hi Barb,

I used to love sitting in the sun and get a lovely tan. I tried to sit out to-day but after half an hour I had to come in. Its clouded over now but still very warm, Just been a walk round with Rosie (dog)

Speak to you next week.
Best Wishes
Jenny xx

J. Farmer

31-08-05, 17:26
Hi Barb,

It's been about 30 down south, and I have been sweating a lot, and have not had much energy.

Also, I've been busy lately and so I guess anxiety is now catching up with me!

We have to take all these factors into account, and find a reason which usually helps our recovery.


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

31-08-05, 17:50
Thanks everyone, I guess it must have been the heat, did a tape and could have layed their all night, feel really tired now

Luv Barb xxxxxx

31-08-05, 18:03

Well done on the mentoring and I am pleased it is going well.

I went out at lunchtime and felt quite ill and a bit panicky cos the heat was awful.

Hopefully it will be cooler tomorrow and you will feel better then.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

01-09-05, 22:39
Hi Barb,
You know it's so true what Meg said about 'the world not looking normal because of the way the sun shines on a muggy day'. As anxiety sufferers we are on 'Red Alert' for the tiniest change in any bodily sensation and for me Light and Moving things (eg water flowing) can catch me out and send me into a panic.
I think you are doing so well. Don't let what you felt yesterday take away from the wonderful progress you are making. Everyone has off days - thats all it was - a hot day that made you feel tired and bothered.... The fact that you hyped up those sensations into -'I am going to die' is very common for us anxiety sufferers. The thing to take from it is - No matter how awful you felt you DIDN'T die. So next time you have a similar feeling you can pause the thought and slip in a known true fact - 'I have felt like this before and nothing terrible happened' Keep feeding your brain those true positive facts and eventually they will come automatically.
Sorry - Waffling now - !!!
Love Dawn x