View Full Version : hope this helps someone!!

29-05-09, 20:32
I have had severe indigestion for about 6 months - difficulty eating, feeling bloated and full all the time, back pain, heartburn, feeling of food being stuck in my oesophagus ... I got myself into complete panic convinced that I had some terrible incurable illness that would leave my children motherless. I had two voices in my head - eventually the negative, irrational one won the battle and I felt like my world was completely collapsing. Everybody said it would be fine, my blood tests were clear and it was anxiety but I could not be told. On wednesday i saw a gastroenterologist and he was fabulous and reassuring - today i had an endoscopy and everything is fine. I wanted to tell my story because i have found comfort in reading lots of posts on here about people who are suffering similar to myself. You will be ok. :hugs: