View Full Version : Bi Polar???

29-05-09, 20:39
Hello All

sorry havent messaged in a long time had lots going on in the world of me!

but i need to ask this question to see if I can get some answers!

over the last month or 2 my mood swings are getting worse

I get so wound up easy and i lose it

for example

we put some money in the bank and sent it to the usa and they told me it would take 6 days and because it wasnt done on the same day i lost it and went mad

I dont drive but when i am on the bus and we go down the usual route theres traffic lights and if we travel towards them and they got red i get angry

and today i couldnt get the bin bag out the bin so i shouted and then kitcked the bin

1 minute im high then something will happen and i get mad or shout ,

couple of days ago i caught my foot on our coffee table and i got so mad i shouted and banged the table with my fist

I dont know why im like this

anything can set me off silly little things

i have been reading up on bi polar but unsure if thats what it is

any help would be appreciated

29-05-09, 22:41
Having read your post you just sound very angry - not that I'm saying you don't have bi-polar because I don't know but I have known two people with bi-polar and their symptoms were basically one day couldn't get out of bed to eat or drink and the next were up for 24hrs trying to run people over with their car. Serve highs and lows are the basics for bi-polar bu I know there are different and less serve forms now. Hope you feel better soon :)

29-05-09, 23:00
Only a DR could diagnose you.You sound like you could be suffering with stress to me.You did state in your post that youd had a lot going on lately.Perhaps you should try and relax more and try to slow down,not overdo things,try to adapt to the saying "tommorow is another day".Are you being treated for depression at the moment? If so ,maybe your meds need re-vising. Hope you feel calmer soon ,take care Sue