View Full Version : Ugh, not doing very well today.

29-05-09, 22:26
STILL waiting for a date for my effing ovary scan to come through. Argh!

In the meantime, the dull ache is still there. If it was just an ache, I'd be ok with it I think. However, coupled with the very dodgy head feelings (fuzziness, fullness down back of head, neck and ears, brief flashes of OMG SOMETHING'S WRONG, dodgy feeling in stomach/chest like pulsing) I am imagining all sorts of things to be wrong.

Am convinced the cause of the ovary-area pain (ovarian, bowel or cervical cancer) has spread and is causing these feelings. Keep poking around for lymph nodes but no lumps can be felt (thank god! I dread to think how I'd be then). I also don't have any symptoms like bleeding at odd times or a swollen tummy.

So why do I feel like this?

Thing is, I'm not making these symptoms up. I actually do feel them. THAT's what causes anxiety...if I didn't have them, I wouldn't be anxious. I just feel that the symptoms are worse than they are, causing anxiety.

BOO. :(

29-05-09, 22:32
When I was in hospital I got very annoyed with them as I had this terrible pain in my lower groin area and even in my women's private areas!

I kept asking for a scan and they refused saying it was the Crohn's and I was adamant it wasn't!

Anyway I got another pelvic scan in March and the ovarian cyst had gone! In fact the docs said they doubted I ever had one and were seeing the abcesses on my bowels

The pain was terrible and I kept saying it was not Crohn's but something to do with my ovaries and in the end it wasn't at all but the pain was in the same area.

Have you had the Crohn's checked out recently?

29-05-09, 22:34
Dr was sure that the pain was too low for Crohn's. It also feels totally different, really.


29-05-09, 22:51
Too low where - like I said mine was right in the private areas!

29-05-09, 22:55
Guess there's still hope, then! :D I'll make them colonoscopy me up if there's nothing wrong with my ovary.

Bloody effing ovary. :mad:

And effing stupid bowels! :mad::mad:

And stupid labyrinthitis, if that's what it is! :mad: And if it's something else, there are many more swearwords I could use! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

29-05-09, 23:05
Aww you have been very helpful and supportive to me ok so let me try and reassure you now.

You are so funny when you are angry lol

29-05-09, 23:15
Aww, thanks!

It really does help being reassured, you know. It's good to come on here and voice all my ridiculous, stupid thoughts and people don't just laugh and tell me to shut up.

It was getting angry with my Crohn's that got me put on Infliximab...getting angry is what sorts my anxiety out! I think...

29-05-09, 23:40
You have a lot to deal with nub - Crohns is not nice then we get other pains and we panic etc etc.

We are all here if you need us ok?

29-05-09, 23:42
You're a legend! :D

29-05-09, 23:45
You will be ok Nub - we will look out for you ok?

You can post here whenever u get worries.

31-05-09, 00:26
Hmm. Should definitely not watch footage of absolutely normal Jade on Big Brother 2002.

Of course, you sit there going, "she's dead now. Did she have those cells within her, even then?"

Holy ballbags.


Spose we could all be hit by a bus tomorrow. Why worry? Cos, perhaps, there is this notion of things being preventable if caught early, and...well. my HA comes entirely from that: the need/willingness/desperation to catch anything early.
