View Full Version : Why do I keepp thinking things are wrong with me?

29-05-09, 22:31
Every week I seem to have a new issue and yet I'm too scared to go to my doctor about any of them - why? I spend all my free time looking up my symptoms on the internet which just confirms my fear that something is terribly wrong. This week I have been sure that I have a cyst in my spinal cord as I have a previous spinal cord trauma and my left pinky finger went dumb and my back was hurting. The only way to tell is to get an MRI done but I don't have insurance or the money for an MRI. Two weeks ago I was pretty sure I had torn my rotator cuff as my shoulder was in agony and I couldn't lift my arm above my head. I was convinced it needed surgery but now its feeling a lot better. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I always expect the worse? I don't want to be that kind of person but every time I get a new ache or pain I just freak out. I just want to be like everybody else.

29-05-09, 22:53
It is called Health Anxiety - have a read of the HA page on the left and it may help.