View Full Version : Sounds & Vibrations comming from the Groin..

30-05-09, 00:44
Soo...this is really weird, and i've had it before. But for some reason I just never paid alot of attention to it...

Its the same kind of sound that comes from your stomach, the rumbling sounds, except alot clearer and a bit faster, I can actually feel it rumbling inside, asif its vibrating. its comming from the right side of my groin, just before above the leg...

I know its fairly normal when it comes from the stomach area, but this low in the underbelly?

Has anyone experienced this? Its kindoff scaring me now im paying attention to it..

30-05-09, 00:56
Almost definitely going to be gurgly bowels...trapped wind finding a way to escape etc!

Honestly nothing to worry about. I have this on a daily basis and would be MORE worried if it disappeared! :D


30-05-09, 01:03
Heh, I guess it has to do with my mild IBS then? Its just really weird with the whole location and all...

Thanks a bunch ^^

30-05-09, 03:06
Kraggy, your bowels do go this low. If you put a stethoscope (please don't though!) there, you will hear sounds way down. Just your large intestine gurgling away which it always does.

Sweet Kraggy, please try to find a way to control the focusing...you are taking normal things and getting scared, like your lymph nodes....all nromal things that move, change shape, change sounds. Please don't let the normal functions of your body terrify you. Try hard to look at your body not as a frightening thing but as a friend that was made correctly, is basically a self-healing amazing machine and can serve you well.

I also have health anxiety or I wouldn't be here but our aim is to just BE...to not think about our bodies. Like I said in another post, do we think about our pinky fnger? No...well, our aim si to see the rest of our body as just THERE, not something to obsess about, worrying about each part failing. There are people who never do this at all until they are in pain or diagnosed with something. It isn't easy for us to change overnight but it can be done with continuous self-talk. I asked you about the books but you didn't reply. I am trying to help you. Please let me know if you have gotten any of the books.

30-05-09, 06:07
Thank you Lauren, Your post really helped alot.

No, I have not gotten any of the books, I rarely read at all to be honest, Heck..The last time I fully read a book was in high school, and the only reason I did was because I had to write a report about it :P

I've never been interested in books, For some reason I dont mind reading stuff on the computer, but books, ugh..


Uff, as I was typing this question my stomach seemed to get very update, I got bloating, or well I think it is, the feeling you get that you cannot pull in your stomach even a bit because it hurts to much, cramp pains, pressing my belly hurts..The rubling continues, i can keep feeling movements, some very heavy others very tiny... Ugh im very worried again although I felt pretty reassured...Im going to try and sleep this through for a bit..

Hope to get some more replies, and thank you!

kind regards


30-05-09, 11:55
Hi Kraggy,

I get the rumbling quite a lot too and it always concerns me, but as lauren says, the large intestine has a lot of work to do and this is it doing it's work! Also, I think that I may have mild IBS, but also eat mainly fruit and vegetables so think that this may have something to do with the rumbles! Does anyone else get this?

Hope that you find some solice from the HA Kraggy - it's awful isn't it!

Ali x

30-05-09, 19:01
Does it feel like a cell phone ringing? I've had it. Its since gone away.

I think anxiety just heightens all the nerves in our bodies and makes us ultra sensitive to just about everything. :(

30-05-09, 20:42
Well, It does not really feel like a cell phone ringing, however I do get that aswell. Just a bit lower, slightly below my groin on my upper inner thigh...

I guess what scares me the most...The feeling and sound comes from just above my groin, on both sides of my groin I can feel many small lymph nodes that used to scare me alot...I guess that fear is just returning...

Thank you all very much for your support ^^

31-05-09, 01:18
Kraggy, you say that you don't like to read but if you're in school, I'm sure you're reading actual books, not just reading the internet. You say you can't afford therapy, I understand that but if I tell you that a few dollars spent on a book can change your life, why would you not be willing to do it?

I am reading your posts every day and I have to say that it is not a matter of seeing a doctor and getting a diagnosis. That takes a few hours and then we're all clear. You can easily do that...but you know it's more than that. It's going from your neck to your groin and now to your tummy, noises that we all have. You're totally "inward" focused instead of outward, enjoying your life as you could be if you conquered this.

Kraggy, I have had this condition since childhood and wish that someone had known how to treat this when I was younger. I have suffered way too many years. We HAVE the knowledge now and it bothers me that you don't want to take advantage of it. Just because you hate to read dosn't mean you can't make an exception.

I am going to tell you what I learned in therapy and in doing counseling myself. People resist change and familiar patterns. They cling to old patterns because they don't know what to replace them with...we like the familiar. BUT we get to a point where living like this becomes too painful, day after day and we stop resisting.

I would love for you to take some time and instead of focusing on what hurts, lumps, noises, etc., give some thought to why you think you're doing this. It's not the lumps that are the issue, it's why you are preoccupied with this. People can reassure you over and over but the truth is, we don't know...only a dr. can tell you if there's a problem but Kraggy, that doesn't help. It continues on to the next body part. I speak for myself here too...I am not singling you out. I am reading everything I can get my hands on and really trying to help you, please know that. It hurts me to see you so scared but you have to know that reassurance for this condition is NOT the long term answer. I'd like to know what you are doing to address the problem long term.

31-05-09, 01:35
Lauren, Thank you very much..

The past weeks it all seemed to go upwards, so much better really..I learned how to cope with it all, thought I was getting back on track..But I was wrong, I might end up purchasing a book, maybe checking the Library if they have anything interesting there, since if a book can help me, then so be it. I'll read a book...Everything is better then keeping on living like this, I'll start my new chef's education soon, and in its own its already a very stressfull job, if I dont get over this soon then I'll screw up the education, and I do not want that...I want to grow normally, learn how to cook, and sometime in the future I hope my friends & family will invite me to cook for them at party's, I want to become like the chefs I respect the most, Gordon Ramsey & Marco Pierre White. But this Anxiety seems to make an already hard path nearly impossible...

Thank you very much for your reassuring posts, They really help me alot, They make think alot more positive, that is for sure..

Thank you.

31-05-09, 01:48
Okay :-) If you get one book, get Stop Worrying About Your Health by George Zgourides. Well..two really, the other one is It's Not All In Your Head by Gordon Asmundson. They're both great. These posts disappear so please write it down. The library probably won't have them (unless they let you order them) but they're cheap online. xoxo Chef school.. wow, that sounds like fun!