View Full Version : tooth out my wisdom =(

30-05-09, 02:19
omg people im in so much pain .. i took out the lower right wisdom tooth out which was partially out and it took 30 min to get it out i did it all with local which hurt a little but nothing compared to now now im in extreme pain!!! all mt teeth hurt on the right side top and bottom, i only had the bottom wisdom taken out so why does it hurt so much and i feel like all my teeth are throbbing my jaw feels so sore =( im so sad i wanna cut my veins this pain is terrible all they gave me was tylenol 3 and it sucks ass :weep:

30-05-09, 02:34
Heh, I have a letter right here, if I bringit to the hospital I will have 3 Wisdom Tooth removed, probably in 1 operation! And ima ctually thinking of not doing it untill they actually start to get in the way hehe....Apperantly the pain will be there for a few days, its common to call in sick during that time, but it will get less and less over the past few days, you will have to be very carefull with whatyou eat & drink though the comming weeks.

Thats about all I know about it, But the pain will go away soon enough ^^

30-05-09, 02:40
Hi flamarella. It hurts on the top because the nerves meet at a junction by your temple and they shoot signals in both directions. That's why sometimes people go to the dentist with a pain on top when in fact the problem is on the bottom and vice versa.

I am sure they told you to use an ice pack for swelling for the first day. Tylenol 3 sometimes isn't enough, I know...but you don't want to take anything that can make you bleed. Don't take aspirin and again, don't smoke no matter what, use no straw and just don't disturb the clot at all. The way you care for this in the first days is so important for proper and faster healing. No carbonated beverages like soda (can dissolve clot). It will hurt for a day or so and then it will get better, I promise, I have had this done, several times. Is the ice helping? I am so sorry you are in this much pain but keep thinking "This is behind me" and curse your head off if it helps but it's OVER. Hope you can get some good sleep tonight xo I applaud your bravery too!!

30-05-09, 02:41
Hello , Sorry to hear your in so much pain , if i were you i would ring my dental practice just to be on the safe side also ask about whats the best pain relief you can take , i know how you feel hope you feel better soon sorry i cant be more helpful ,remember the pain will go away , take care , d x

30-05-09, 13:10
well poeple keep telling me that everyone is diffrent today im not doing so bad motrin 800 worked really well. i dont like to take things that get me groggy. now im trying to figure out what to eat, and trying to avoid dry socket =/ i dont smoke so thats a good thing. anyways i think the reason it hurts so bad is because they where tugging to take that tooth out for 35 mins :ohmy:

i wanna thank each and eveyone of you that gave me good advice!!:yesyes:

30-05-09, 13:21
Glad you're feeling better. I also found that Motrin was better than the narcotics. My diet was very exciting...mashed potatoes, chocolate pudding, ice cream and applesauce, lol. The ice cream part was pretty good! Even with this, try to keep the food on the other side and no hot liquids, which also can dissolve the clot. Great on the fact that you don't smoke. Glad you gave an update and feeling better!

30-05-09, 21:45
Oh hun, I know what wisdom teeth can do. I´ve beet through this twice. I know it hurts like hell, I remember it all too well.. The good point is that the pain will go soon. I asked my doc to give me something strong for the pain, as the regular thing one would take just wouldn´t help at all. He did give me something, it worked perfectly fine and I just slept all through it and it also gave me a very nicem pleasant high :-) Although it might have been just from the thought that this awful thing was over. I slept like a baby. Other than that - ice helps the swelling. I had trouble eating the first few days, so I was on pudding, yoghurt, lukewarm soup and ice cream. Try to see it from the brighter side of it - when can you actually eat tons of ice cream and not feel guilty? :-) I remember being in terrible pain and almost crawling on the walls, but I decided to make a big party out of it, so I sent my bf to town to buy some of my favorite magazines - you know, nothing intellectually challengin - and some movies that I´ve always wanted to see. So I kinda rewarded myself. And guess what? I just nodded off withing the first ten minutes of the flick :-) But it would´ve been pure hell without the pills. Do you have to go to work or can you stay at home?