View Full Version : worried about boyfriend RE :headaches

30-05-09, 14:03
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone can help. My boyfriend has been getting headaches, usually he wakes up with them and they disappear during the day, only to come back the next day. He had them b4 like this, and has taken painkillers for it. I don't know how much they helped, he has said he just lives with it!!! This one now has lasted on/off for over a month, he's worried now that it might be something serious. I have read that brain tumors rarely show themselves in a headache, however this is going through his mind. He is not getting any other symptoms.

He does have quite a stressful life, but he doesn't get HA at all. But i think he is a little worried. I'm trying to get him to go to the doctors or even get his eyes checked, but I'm worried he will sit and do nothing!!

What can I do?


30-05-09, 15:37

I think you are doing the right thing by trying to persuade him to go speak to his doctor.
There could be so many reasons behind these headaches ie: stess but only a doctor can give him the answer to this.

Keep bending his ear and hopefully he will agree to go along|! Lol
Take care

30-05-09, 16:53
I am not very sure, But dont Migraines come and go in the way you described? My friend says he has daily headaches that come and go, Apperantly hes got some nose spray for it (No idea if im correct, but I think so) And he says he has Migraines..

30-05-09, 17:45
Hi Hollytree,
I think you should get your boyfriend to see his doctor as anything lasting a while should always be checked out.
This may sound really silly but how are his pillows? A friend of mine was having similar probs and her doctor suggested new pillows, it worked!
Take care,
Carol x

01-06-09, 18:02
also, he could be clenching/grinding his teeth in his sleep! that is a major cause of waking up with headaches. i do it all the time.