View Full Version : i dont want to die

30-05-09, 15:44
Hi its Austin hear i am so scared because lateley for about 2 or 3 weeks my arms have been hurting and i am overweight but lately i have been watching what i eat and doing weights and like joging around the block a few times but i have been having this constants fear of heart atacks im going to a doc this monday my dad is taking me and im 13 he says you wont have one but o know that what is hapining is leading up to one and tonight i had a PA and thought it was a HA what should i do is it to late to fix anything should i ring a ambulance right now what do i do?:shrug: and i had a PA at school and the paramedics took my Blood presure and suger levels and everything was fine so im really scared.Plus i used to eat alor of pizza and never do anything just sit around all day and now i get active.

freudian nightmare
30-05-09, 16:21
hello austin,
sorry to hear how you're feeling today, it sounds like a classic pa to me only my first one freaked me out i went to hospital cos i too thought it was a ha. The aching arms are probably just because you've been doing more exercise than usual, i don't think both arms would ache with a ha and if you said your blood pressure is o.k then i don't think you need to worry. Just keep up with with exercise but take it slowly at first because your body needs time to get used to it, you are doing well to make positive changes in your lifestyle and i think these will help improve your body and mind. Keep positive and best wishes! x