View Full Version : REALLY PANICKING

31-08-05, 18:39
hi all,

Please help. am really panicking right now. Have been to the doctor cos I had a earache and turns out I have an ear infection, which sounds fine. The GP has given me a spray which is fine and some anti-biotics. I have taken one of them and am freaking out. One of the dreaded possible side-effects is having a seizure (my biggest fear) and I'm a mess right now. On top of it all, I put on a dvd of 24, my fav program, and someone in the show had a seizure. Now I'm really panicking as this obviously means (in my head) that I'm going to have one. So silly, I know. To top it all off, just got my period.



"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

31-08-05, 18:45
Hi Sarah,

I know how you feel I freak when I read side effects on medication too but these days they seem to write everything they can think of to cover themselves. You'll be fine and in a few days your ear will be better too.
Everything seems worse when you're hormonal too, well for me it does.
Sorry I can't be more help but I know how you feel and am thinking of you.
Take care,

31-08-05, 18:45
O sarah pet, you will be fine, turn off the dvd, run a nice bath put some nice music on and go relax, youll be fine pal, xxxx

31-08-05, 18:48
hi Sarah -
If you want to talk to take your mind off it, I'd meet you in chatroom. Just post it and I'm sure there will be a few of us that will meet with you
your friend,


31-08-05, 18:48
Thanks LJ and Alexis. I know I'm just making something out of nothing. How unlike me!! ****** side-effects leaflets - that's what I say!! Well, I'm still feeling nervous but am better than I was. I was shaking and sweating but am feeling a little more relaxed. Thanks guys! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

31-08-05, 18:49
That would be great Eeyore - thanks!! I'm going there now :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

31-08-05, 18:52
Hey mate

Sorry to hear you are not well and I know how you worry about the seizures but there is no reason atall to believe that you will ever have one ok?

It is your mind working overtime like it does with us sufferers and you are thinking the worst.

Please try to be calm ok and remember all the positive things to do in a situation like this.

I hate drugs too and get all the usual side-effects like dizziness, feel sick, feel heady etc.

Thinking of you ok and here's a big hug ...




"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

Kristi Pipkin
31-08-05, 19:08
Hi Sarah

Sorry you are having a tough time at the moment, not too sure if this will help but it is something I have been shown by my 'alternative medicine' lady and it helps me when I have a 'wiggly'

It's called binning and that's exactly what you do, sounds a little off the wall but here goes:-

Ok imagine you have an industrial sized wheely bin at the side of you and where ever you feel all you anxieties (head, tummy etc) imagine a massive pipe leading from that place into the wheely bin - then you need to breath in for 6 and out for 6 until you feel relaxed.

Then you need to concentrate on all the negative thoughts which have made you feel panicky, and push them down the tube, you can get a lot in there so you need to stuff them all in!! Then, when you're ready, you release the tube from you and start thinking of only positive things, like a holiday, a loved one etc etc. When you feel like the tensions are lifting you kick that wheely bin down a big old hill where it and the bad energy you have put in there can't hurt you any more.

I have regular binning sessions and find at the end of it I feel pretty good and back in control.

It's worth a try - if it helps let me know :)


31-08-05, 19:15
Its awful when you think there is a sign meant for you.....when every logical cell in your body is shouting otherwise , you are 'just' sure, its meant to be..

My real signs always turned out to be a true sign that anxiety was winning that day...


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-08-05, 19:23
Glad you're feeling more calm Sarah....the leaflets really dont help.

Hope you ear is better soon..

31-08-05, 19:27
Nic - thanks for the support and hug. I know you are right - just need to convince myself. lol

Kristi - thanks for that exercise. I will definitely give it a go. It sounds like something that would work for me. :)

Meg - yeah I know it's just the anxiety talking. It's weird though cos I haven't felt this freaked out in a long time. I guess it just caught me off guard.

Sue - thanks for your support. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

31-08-05, 19:37
Glad you're feeling more calm Sarah....the leaflets really dont help.

Hope you ear is better soon..

31-08-05, 19:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">My real signs always turned out to be a true sign that anxiety was winning that day...
<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 31 August 2005 : 19:15:09</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That made me chuckle - so true!!!

My neighbour (not at all anxious) has decided never to read the leaflets again as even she gets in a tizzy with these. I think doctors despair of them really as they then have to reassure so many people.

I usually take the tablet then stand still and stare at myself for any signs of something happening this can go for a few hours, after which, if all is ok then I'm full steam ahead.

Love Pig xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-08-05, 19:58
Hi Sarah,

I'm the same to. My hubby now takes the leaflet out before I can read it LOL.

Glad your feeling calmer.



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

31-08-05, 20:04
Yeah Sarah make a rolly out your leaflet or give it to Ed he is good at hurling abuse out of the window, get in the pub and leave us a drink, think Kates making cheese flan tomorrow??? U reading this Kate?lol, love Alexis,

31-08-05, 20:08
Hi Sarah,

The leaflets which are with meds are enough to panic anyone - so please try to relax & you WILL be fine.

Hope your feeling a bit better?


Tatty B xx

31-08-05, 20:56
Hi Sarah

Sorry to hear about your panic , how horrible it is when you 're convinced that something dreadful is gonna happen to you, been there many times.
Anyway, I hope you're better now, not fair to see someone as supportive as you having a bad time.
Take care.


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

31-08-05, 21:22
sorry u feel like this sarah but, its so common with us. I had like a premunition that when i had my surgery I was going to die lol, but not funny I was 100% sure I was going to die but didnt, funny how you can realy make your mind up that something is going to happen? but it never does sarah. take care hope you feel better soon Vernon

31-08-05, 21:58
Hope you're feeling ok now Sarah.
LJ :)

31-08-05, 22:22
[Wow!] I really am overwehlmed by all your wonderful support!! It really means a lot to me.

Yes, I am feeling much calmer. I haven't spasmed or died yet lol. I'm not looking forward to taking another pill but I'm sure I'll be better this time. Hey, on the plus side, my ear is feeling a little better!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

31-08-05, 23:40
Good Sarah - on both counts


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-09-05, 06:23
I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better. If you ever need a chat just let me know and I will be there :)
your friend,


01-09-05, 08:18
Glad you're feeling a bit better Sarah. Dave always used to take the side effect leaflets out of the boxes for me too. Now I just try my hardest not to read them. Aren't they just horrible things

Hope the ear infection clears up soon and well done on getting through your worries.


01-09-05, 08:40
Glad you are feeling better now Sarah!

Chuck the side effects leaflet away LOL

Love Kate x

01-09-05, 10:09
Thanks guys!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

01-09-05, 18:26
Hi Sarah,

sorry to hear you had a bad day, i never read side effects now either,
glad your a bit calmer, and the ear is feeling a bit better,

take care hun

big hug

kairen x

01-09-05, 23:13
Hope you're ok today Sarah and that the ear is feeling better.

02-09-05, 08:46
Hi Sarah,
Just read through your post, and I'm glad you're feeling better now. Hope you've managed to take another tablet. I had an experience in the bank yesterday, that totally freaked me. An ambulance had been called for an elderly man and when they got to him they hooked him up to a machine that bleeped (obviously checking his heart). It totally freaked me out!!! I had my kids with me so I looked calm on the outside, but inside I was going mad. I kept trying not to focus on the sound of his heartbeat, but I couldn't help it and what made it worse it was a far from steady beat having pauses of about 3seconds then beating really irratically. How silly I was really, it wasn't my heart, but I was in such a state and couldn't wait to get out. The only thing I did right was not running out of there before I'd done what I'd gone in there for.

What are we like eh?? Just thought I'd share that with you hope you don't mind. It just shows how our minds over react and scare us.

Take care
Love, Linda.xxx

02-09-05, 10:27
Thanks for your suppoer everyone!! :)

Linda - thanks for sharing that story. I ca totally relate to that as I would have been the same, trust me!! Well done for coping so well. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

02-09-05, 11:12
No probs Sarah, I was going to do a post about it but then thought it was probably a bit silly! Its amazing how it scared me though.

Had a bad couple of hours, loads of ectopics even though I have been busy doing the house, sorting kids etc.. I'm now quite panicky and trying not to get worse. I've got to be at work for 1pm and promised to take kids to McD's first. Need to get a grip!!! When do these anxiety problems ever stop?[V]

You take care,
Love, Linda.xxx

02-09-05, 11:17
Linda - I've been asking myself that same question for 2 years now lol. You've been doing so well with the ectopic beats Linda so hang in there hun. Keep busy and stay distracted!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

02-09-05, 12:12
Hi Sarah,

How is that ear feeling today???

Love Pig xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-09-05, 14:00
hey Piglet,

My ear is doing better thanks!! I'm 1/3 of the way through the anti-biotics and they seem to be helping thank goodness though they do make me feel a little tired but not too bad at all. Just hope it goes away soon!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

02-09-05, 15:03
Glad you're on the mend Sarah - sorry I didn't send you ((hugs)) earlier, but can you accept them now? :D

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

02-09-05, 15:16
aaaawwwwww of course Ray. Thanks mate!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 13:56

am half way through the anti-biotics and have had bad diahhrea (SP??) this morning, stomach cramps and muscle cramps. I got out that dreaded side-effects leaflet and they are all there and right next to it it says in HUGE letters:



on top of it all, I have been taking Ibuprofen with it because the doctor told me to and right in the leaflet, it says these two meds shouldn't be mixed!!!!! ****** NHS doctors!!!!!

The side-effect right next to these is 'SEIZURE' am really bricking it now

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 14:01
ok have just to spoken to Meg and feel a little better. Thanks Meg!!

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 14:19
Have just spoken to NHS Direct and the lady has told me that I have nothing to worry about. She said that irregular bowel movements are normal as the anti-biotics are attacking all bacteria in my body and that I'm not allergic to the meds at all.

Feel really silly now for panicking like I did. ****** ear infection!!

Only downside is I have to finish taking all the meds through Monday [:O]

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 16:39
Hi Miss Cheeky how are you now, hope u feeling bit better and enjoyed footy, Did you have 5 imaginary minutes on my bench,Love Alexis,xx

03-09-05, 17:09
Hi sarah,

glad you feel a bit calmer, hope you feel a bit better now, i know its so easy to fly of the handle especially when your not feeling well, get yourself in the forum pub and get a few stellas down your neck lol

hope your ok hun (((((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

kairen x

03-09-05, 17:22
and some for us Im sure its your round, remember we are collecting people for Sal in there, xxx

03-09-05, 17:27
hey sarah,
sounds like you've had a nightmare over the last couple of days - hope you are feeling better now. i so know what you mean - i freak out about taking any sort of medication too and whenever i take any and then feel a bit funny i'm convinced something awful is happening to me. but before my panic attacks started i never worried about it at all. funny, isn't it.
anyway, hope you have cosy evening,
henri x

03-09-05, 17:48
Thanks Alexis, Kairen and Henri.

I am back from the smelly pub and am feeling ok. Just took another anti-biotic (yuk). 10 down, 5 to go. Can't wait till they're all gone!!

Alexis - yes, I had a lovely few minutes on your bench. You never showed up though so assume you stopped for a pint on your way [:P]

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 18:08
Hi Sarah

Sorry to hear you havent being feeling to well but are on the road to recovery.

Take care and i will speak to you soon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".