View Full Version : Sorry to start a new threat But I need help!!

30-05-09, 18:46
Please help me :( I am having one of the worst days I have ever had in my life! I went out last night just like any other night and didn't even have that much to drink and when I woke up this morning I have just started gagging none stop. I have recently for the past 4 months had NO trouble going out and drinking and being fine the next morning. Last night I drunk alot less than I have done.
I havent been able to eat today, i was a TINY bit sick this morning, I am gagging non stop since but I am not chucking up anything so I can't work out if its just gagging on sick because useally I would still throw bile or all the water I have been drinking up.
This is causing my panics to rise even more. I cant take my temperate because I keep gagging. I have just tried sleeping but I am getting very very odd dreams.
Please help me! This is like a nightmare day! Am I dying? Im feeling really weak and spacey too!

31-05-09, 18:12
Hey just read your message. Are you okay now? How are you feeling?
Everything you said happens exactly to me, especially after drinking. Then I bring on a huge panic cos I know Im going to feel this way, therefore going to have a panic attack and being on my own.

Just ride with it. Breathe slowly, I know its hard, but try it. Or a paper bag.
Try something to distract you like this site and try and sit still.

Can you ring someone and ask them to sit with you, I find that helps me, reassures me.

You will be fine, dont worry.


31-05-09, 19:16

A few months ago, i went though a blip were my anxiety was way higher that it had been for so long. I was gagging in the mornings which was a completely new symptom to me and it scared the b'jesus out of me.

I spoke to another member from here who suffered similar and this helped to ease my mind.

I know it's horrible but try to stay as calm as possible. Also sucking mints or chewing gum may help too.

Hope you feel better soon.

31-05-09, 19:29
the day after drinking i go through the same thing. i want to throw up, but can't and i usually can't sleep it off either. i also have alot of dispersonalization(sp) the next day. for the most part, i dont drink much at all because i know what will happen, if you do, make sure you dont drink anything with caffeine or energy drinks, because it will make things ten times worse and you will not be able to sleep it off. you will feel much better tomorrow, but i know that seems very far away when you feel like this. eat a good meal.