View Full Version : Had a nice experience at my doctor's office yesterday

30-05-09, 18:59
Went for my annual OB/GYN well woman visit yesterday. For some reason, I am never afraid to go have this done, I'm scared to death of all other doctor appointments, and doctors. This doctor delivered both my kids and is the most gentle human being on the planet. I wish all people could have this doctor as their doctor.

The minute the poor man walked in the room and asked me how I was doing I started weeping. I was so embarrassed but I just couldn't stop. Everything I've been worried about (dying too young, leaving my boys behind, etc., etc. etc.) just came spilling out. He was so kind, he just put his clipboard down and hugged me. Then he told me that he wanted me to know that he has known me for 16 years and that I am not only his patient but his friend. And that together we would get to the bottom of my anxiety. Can't tell you the relief I felt right then and there. He gave me a prescription for Xanax XR, and then told me he was going to do some reviewing over the weekend to find me a good counselor that could help me with this problem. He's going to call me with some names and after 2 weeks I am to get back to him to tell him how I am doing.

Thank God for good doctors. I feel a tiny bit of relief today. Its a baby step, but at least its a step forward.

30-05-09, 19:27
Thank you for sharing that! I think a lot of us are scared of doctors, and see them as the enemy. While there are some doctors who are very unsympathetic, great doctors like yours encourage us to go in and be honest about whats going one with us! And to insist on finding a doctor that gives us the kind of compassion your doc did! You got what you deserve and I am very glad for you! Again, thanks for sharing!

30-05-09, 22:33
That is so nice to hear. It really does help to have an understanding GP, my GP is very good, he helped me alot when I had anxiety and post natal depression after my child was born. Without his support and advice I doubt I would be here today to be honest I was that ill.

If only all doctors could be as supportive.

I hope things improve for you.

miss diagnosis
31-05-09, 15:26
thats great. i had a doc like that but she left the surgery after having a baby and i was gutted.her replacement was horrible made me feel worse when i went to her. found a nice new doctor only the other day and he made me feel completly relaxed.in fact he said he was delighted i came to him as he has a special intrest in anxiety and is going to start hypotherpay on me!

31-05-09, 23:03
That's wonderful to hear sweetpea.

It's a step forward indeed. :) *hugs*

Best of luck to you hun

01-06-09, 15:58
That's wonderful blondie :)

Hope you get the help you deserve from your new counselor.

Wendy xxxx

01-06-09, 17:57
that is great blondie!!! i am so happy for you. even though it was a small step, i think that is probably what it takes to get better when you have what we have. small, baby steps along the way will get you there, it just might take a while :) i'm so glad you're feeling even a little bit better!