View Full Version : blood in diarreah

30-05-09, 19:33
today ive had a bad stomach, i am anorexic my gp told me last week for making my self sick nearly every day, but when had urgency to go earlier i also passed quite abit of blood about tablespoon full quite thick
ive got blood tests on monday
do you think its because of what ive been doing?

30-05-09, 19:40
Was it bright red blood? If so then probably piles.

30-05-09, 23:11
not bright red, but not very dark either

31-05-09, 17:23
im hoping when the hot weather temps drop i wont feel soo ill and have the runs, hate having to keep running back and forth, or standing up eeekkkk

01-06-09, 19:03
Hi Lonely, I have an eating disorder too (not anorexia but my stomach suffers alot) a few months ago i freaked out because I had diareah and when i wiped (sorry tmi) there was blood on the tissue.
I had a panic attack straight away and was sick, a week later i read in a problem page of someone who had the same things. The Doctor who answerd it said, Your bottom can bleed when you've had diareah, it gets sore so its not unusual for that to happen.

Tell your doctor when you go but in the meantime, i hope this gives ou some comfort xxx

01-06-09, 20:33
thankyou it is scarey isn't it