View Full Version : New to this site

30-05-09, 22:56
Hi everyone.
Just joined today. Suffer with really bad anxiety virtually all the time. Tried loads of meds - some with really bad side effcts which made me worse. Reading all the posts makes me feel I'm not so alone with all this as I find it really isolating at times.
My thoughts to you all and would love to have some support and advice and in time, hopefully, I will be able to do the same.

30-05-09, 23:20
Hello Louise, Welcome to NMP , lots of advice and understanding here glad you found us, your not alone we can relate to how you feel , have a look around the forum and remember you can make a post anytime for members advice , take care:welcome: d x :flowers:

31-05-09, 08:35
Hi louise21

There is loads of support and advice here. There are plenty of people here to give there help.



31-05-09, 09:29
Many thanks for welcoming me to the site.
I suffer with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and the excessive worrying drives me mad! I can't keep telling my family how I feel as they worry about me so I try to act "normal" which is really difficult when I have this constant "gnawing" away all the time. I take Pregabalin for it, although not a very high dose. I also take Zopliclone 7.5mg at night, although I still don't sleep through the night with that. I've noticed when on the rare occasions I don't take Zopiclone that I experience full blown panic attacks, so I suppose my body's addicted to them as I've taken them for a long time. I wish I could be free of all these meds and did try a couple of weeks ago, but it probably wasn't a good idea to go "cold turkey" and I was in a really bad way with withdrawal sympoms so returned to them.
Thank you for reading and replying to my message.