View Full Version : can smoking cause severe health anxiety?

30-05-09, 23:18
hi, suffered with depression in my 20s and then ocd in early 30s and it has now shifted to a full blown health anxiety, started smoking around the same time as starting smoking, started smoking due to a severe case of depression, also lost my dad at 15 who passed away in front of me due to heart disease, now obsessed with heart disease where life has become unbearable, only my sons keep me going, tried stopping smoking for last 5 years, without success, been a week without now so hoping this will relieve my health anxiety to a point, also joined a gym which is awfull and good at the same time if that makes sense, any advice will greatfully appreciated, take care, damo

Sammy J
30-05-09, 23:54
Hi Damo,

Well done on quitting, I keep trying also but whenever I stop I get painful stomach spasms (brought on by the stress of stopping). I suffer with bad reflux which I see a consultant for and am on meds for that, and am also currently several sessions into CBT. I have terrible health anxiety and it rules my life :(

Am going to try quitting tomorrow and hope for no spasms, I so want to be free of the weed as smoked for 22 years.


31-05-09, 00:25
thanks for reply, im going to give 100% to stopping now, and ill let you know how my anxiety levels are, anxiety too has taken over my life, its hard smiling on the outside and screaming on the inside, take care, damo

31-05-09, 18:01
i have also been trying to quit, but i did start trying before my anxiety hit me. i find it slightly harder to quit, because i start to wonder if my symptoms are due to lack of nicotine or just anxiety. so i get tempted to have one and see if the symptoms go away. good luck with your quitting! i hope to quit 100%. well done though!

Sammy J
31-05-09, 18:36
This is the problem Kathy. Once I 'give in' I feel much better, the aches stop etc. Have managed to avoid smoking all day today though.

31-05-09, 19:01

Well done for not having one. I tried to give up a few times as I am sure it does give you anxiety. I am determined to give it up soon though.

Good luck


House fan
31-05-09, 19:04
Hi Damopanther

Congratulations on making one of the most important health decisions in your life. You have managed superbly for one whole week, and that is the toughest part. You will however, continue to crave cigarettes for some time, but these cravings will gradually lessen, and you will feel much better for it.

Your health anxiety is not helped by smoking, in fact, it has the opposite effect. You are experiencing tremendous guilt, because you know just how bad smoking is for your health.

A friend of mine quit almost 8 months ago, by using the e-cigarette, which he says is remarkable. He smoked 30 cigarretes a day for 25 years, and had tried EVERY other nicotine replacement product out there, including the patches, gum and lozenges. The E-cigarette can be smoked anywhere, including bars and aeroplanes, and will not harm you in the slightest.

I have enclosed a link, not to promote this brand of E-cigarette, because I believe there are lots of them available from other Companies, but this is the actual product my friend used.


Once again, Congratulations on making a fantastic decision. I hope you are able to remain strong and focussed, because the health benefits you will receive are enormous. Good luck.


31-05-09, 20:26
I quit 9 years ago, cold turkey. I just decided enough was enough and that was it. I found it surprisingly easy once I made up my mind to quit.

Unfortunately, I was already 39 and had been smoking 25 years before I quit. Lots of damage done, and now I worry about lung cancer all the time. I never worried about anything like that when I was young.

For those of you who are young, quit now. Don't be dumb like me and tempt your fate, because when you get old you will worry about it more than you know.

05-06-09, 02:06
I would like to know if anyone in the UK has heard of this:


I hope I'm allowed to post that link. If not please delete.


05-06-09, 16:26
In my case, I believe it is the main cause.

05-06-09, 22:38
well done :) i used to have terrible anxiety over mouth cancer etc and after stopping smoking that all went. Carry on the good work xx

05-06-09, 22:48
Hi Damopanther
Well done! I have been of the dreaded things since sept 06 after a huge battle! they were a big contributing factor to my anxiety as i wouyld worry constantly about the health risks. any pleasure i had from smoking would plague me at night when i tried to nod off as this is when my anxiety is at its worse, and i would worry badly!. i can honestly say that its relieved my anxiety a quite alot. I realy hope you manage to stay stopped but you must remember that if you dont you will manage it eventually - some times it takes a bit of patience!
good luck.

26-06-09, 14:56
Well done on stopping smoking, I have been smoke free for 8 months, am still anxious but used to worry constantly about lung cancer etc, although I have HA & GAD I don't worry about this anymore and I certainly feel a lot better for stopping. So any of you out there thinking about stopping, give it a go, keep trying to quit, I tried for 5 years and then on the last occasion it just clicked. Hate to admit it but I've turned into one of those reformed anti smokers..........sos..lol.x

26-06-09, 15:11
I have never smoked but I know from acquaintances how hard it is to give up but in the end it is worth it, even if it is only for the money that is saved.

It is harmful and clothes and breath smell foul so all the more reason for plodding on.

Well done and fingers crossed.:flowers: