View Full Version : Scared about moving doctors

31-05-09, 09:26
I am moving counties to go and live with my boyfriend and I am really excited about that...HOWEVER, I assume that I will have to move doctor surgeries (I will be living 45 minutes away from dr's) and I am scared and sad about that.

I have been going to see my doctor for the last 13 years and she knows me inside and out (literally!) and is so supportive about my HA. I have been through so much with this doctor and don't know how I will be without her. What if my new doctor is impatient with my HA and dimisses me as a nuisance?

My boyfriend doesn't understand me s he only goes to the doctor about once a year if his hayfever gets too bad and doesn't get my need to have a secure relationship with my doctor.

Just scared this will make my HA worse.

31-05-09, 13:21
I fully understand. I was with my last GP from 1983 til 2007------and when we moved 8 miles away I had to change. That was the only reason I didnt want to move to be honest!!!
Anyhow a year and a half on and I really can say that I do like my new GP. He has actually got me CBT and now I am due to start my second lot of it!!!!I think if i am honest he is more understanding than my last dr who i did really like!!!!But the first GP i saw wasnt that good so if you register at a practice and arent keen on who you see at first "shop around". Most surgeries have lots of drs working there.
Good luck xxx