View Full Version : Advice needed please

31-05-09, 11:46
Is it normal to get pins and needles when you don't feel anxious? I keep getting them in my hands and arms, my feet sometimes too. I'm really worried about it. Scared about MS :-(

31-05-09, 12:01
:hugs: This is copied from "symptoms" in "main Menu" on left of this page
"""""You feel pins and needles in your hands and feet, or other parts of your body. Sometimes you get a feeling like a particular area of your body is numb or frozen. Other times you may feel a burning sensation in your arms, legs or face.
What causes this:
Since the nervous system conveys touch sensations to the brain, when the nervous system is over stimulated, it can sometimes send impaired information which will often be felt as a numbness, tingling or pins and needles. For example, when an individual pinches a nerve they usually feel the results of this as numbness or tingling in a certain part of the body.
There is more to read - Hope this helps
Best wishes

31-05-09, 12:30
Thank you june, that is helpful. I just don't feel anxious at the moment so I'm wondering why it's happening. Maybe it's because I think about it so much? I just don't know. I've been silly and googling MS symptoms and have convinced myself I have it.

31-05-09, 14:54
:hugs: I am also guilty of using google:ohmy: :ohmy:

Another reason for tingling / pins and needles is hyperventilation (breathing a bit faster )
Most of us do this and suffer and worry:blush: it is a habit that we have got into and it is VERY hard to break.
Also once we over breathe - we still get the symptoms even if we are not anxious:blush:
This is why this is such an "on going" illness - every time we think we are OK some other niggling worry starts churning and we are back to square one:weep:
This sounds dreadful - it is not meant to be.
Just that we do tend to worry when we do not understand the reason:blush:
Best wishes
Ps somewhere on this site a bloke googled a symptom and it came out that he was pregnant:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: take google with care.:hugs:

31-05-09, 15:24
Hahaha that is funny - yes i think the reason that it is worrying me is that mostly i feel as though i'm fine, not anxious at all. So i don't understand why it is happening - and then googleing - and maybe my mind then starts making up all the symptoms. It's just on my mind all the time, I'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything